Important please read

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Sooo it's eating disorder awareness week and I consider it my responsibility to share this. I myself have an active eating disorder that I work really hard to keep under control. An eating disorder just isn't talked about enough it's not considered important enough while it's a very serious addition!

It starts so innocently.. wanting to lose weight, working out more trying to get in shape. It's influenced by what people say "you're fat" "you're unworthy" "you need to lose weight" "try working out more" those words can cause ever lasting damage on someone! They can make someone sacrifice their own health to fit your beauty standards to be considered beautiful.

Why is it so hard to get rid of an eating disorder? Because believe it or not the pain of not eating and the feeling of control you have and power you have over yourself is very very addictive. When you're in it it's so hard to get out and it's very hard to even admit that you have in fact a problem that what you're doing isn't ok. It has serious physical damage too because your body just isn't used anymore to eating normal, isn't used to processing food.

Which can lead to serious physical illnesses and such. You would be surprised how many people and especially teenage girls struggle with eating disorders without your knowledge. So think next time before you say something to someone, know that your words could have ever lasting consequences... mine started because of mean "joking" comments like that.

It destroyed the way I see myself, made me believe I'm never good enough. Made me feel guilty for every meal I ate... made me hate myself and believe them and created the obsession of wanting to be skinny and "beautiful".

If anyone wants to talk about this, or is suffering from an ED know that I'm always here for you. We need to realize what a serious and unspoken problem this is in our society. You are good enough I promise ❤️

You are all gorgeous and beautiful and perfect and unique and I love every single one of you guys

If anyone wants to talk, here's my personal Instagram: Rose09.01 might be easier to talk on than here 💜

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