The Mistake

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5 Hours earlier:

"What do you mean you got yourself into trouble?" Natasha Romanoff leaned forward in her chair and crossed her arms on the dark wooden desk. "You haven't been with S.H.I.E.L.D for not even a full 72 hours, Yelena." Her emerald green eyes narrowed into slits real quick while she examined her fellow widow sister. "Explain to me what you did."

Yelena, a small, dirty blonde, green eyed girl, who was no younger than 22 and no older than 25, nervously played with her fingers. Sinking deeper into the chair that was across from Natashas desk, she bit her lower lip while she looked at her sister. "It was an honest mistake, truly unintentional and I- I didn't mean any harm!" Yelena slid a bit more deeper into the chair, to the point where the base of where her neck and head met, rested at the top of the chair.

Yelena looked up at the ceiling and gulped trying to find the most non alarming way to explain what she did. Sitting up in the chair, Yelena looked at the pile of papers on Natashas desk and sighed softly. "I was messing around with some of the programming with Tony. He wanted to show me how to encrypt data over into new codes for the system that we're getting in November, I got the hang of it and he left me alone. That was fine, I knew what I was doing I felt confident in it, but there was some information on this Aida person and when I tried to move it over, it wouldn't go."

Yelena took a deep breath and looked at Natasha. The look of confusion and anger were plastered all over her face. "So, I tried to break it down so we could still keep the information on Aida. However, in the process of breaking it down, one of the codes attached to this information busted. It must have been a virus because, the whole file got wiped and now I don't have it. Shortly after I got an email from the name of someone named Viper and she said that I restored her motherboard and that she was thankful. I thought I did a good thing...but Tony said otherwise."

Natashas eyes widened and she lowered her head into her hands. Rubbing her temples gently, Natasha shook her head. "No, Yelena, it's not a good thing. Viper and Aida are the same person. Viper is human mutant that was created by Holden Radcliffe, but she wasn't meant to be used for evil. Her mainframe became corrupted by what we call the Darkhold. Viper went into a transformation period where she altered herself from being an android to a human, as she desired the need to feel human emotions."

Natasha lifted her head and looked at Yelena and sighed a bit. "She imprisoned 5 agents in the framework, altering their memories. She then did the same to her creator, but she ended up killing him. Long story short, she was corrupted and she took over Hydra. She has become the most powerful woman out there. She has the abilities of a super human, the weapons of a snake, and the intelligence that not even Tony Stark can comprehend."

Yelena nodded and looked down at the ground and gulped. "So how did you deactivate her if she was a human?" Yelena looked up and cocked her head while she slouched again. "I mean does she have a second body? Her android body?" Yelena furrowed her brows trying to make sense of it all.

Natasha shook her head. "No. It's all about the framework. We can destroy her by going to The Rider, but making a deal with the Devil is just as risky as it is going back into Hydra and wiping out her framework. That's what we did the first time and we took her memories and coded them and put then on a flash drive. That's how we got the files, but there must have been coding work that was wrong or she knew what we were doing and while in the process of doing our task she managed to make sure the android version of herself encrypted a virus to be hard to track."

Natasha leaned back into her hair and put her feet up on her desk. "Quite honestly, it's a genius attack. Not only did she manage to reboot herself, but whatever files were attached to that drive, she has. You made sure you took the drive out, right?" Seeing Yelena sink more into her chair Natasha felt her heart sink. "Yelena. You didn't take the drive out?!"

Yelena shook her head and bit her lower lip. "I didn't think I was supposed to! Tony told me not to touch anything! He said he'd take care of it from home!" Yelena watched Natasha move her feet off the desk and move to the door quickly. "Natasha! What's going to happen?!"

Natasha grabbed her badge and opened the door. She began to run down the hall down to the room where Yelena was previously. "The drive holds more information Yelena! Without it being removed, she's obtaining everything you moved over and whatever else she could get her hands on. Just because Tony said he'd take of it, doesn't mean he can take the drive out! You needed to do that!"

Natasha ran into the room and saw the drive still plugged into one of the computers and she pulled it out. She hit a few buttons on the keyboard and nothing popped up. "Either she wiped our system clean or Tony shut it down. Either way, whatever she got from the time she was booted until the time Tony shut everything down, hopefully, she has a whole lot of information and we are extremely screwed." Natasha looked behind her to see Yelena standing in fear. "Good job, Agent."

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