“I would do anything for you, Your Majesty,” I told her sincerely.

“I know,” she responded. “But you have proved it to me beyond all expectations. I am very glad to have a constant companion on whom I can rely.”

I didn't even mind the pun on my name. “It is my honor, Your Majesty.”

“And it is mine to have you for a friend.”

Glowing with pride, I fell back into my proper position behind her. Everything I had been through seemed like nothing in the face of her praise. It was the finest moment in all my time as her lady in waiting.


On our route to get to the gardens, we went past M. de Treville. I glanced back just as he was coming up from his bow. He nodded his head in respect and I nodded back. When all this was over, I hoped that the king would see fit to restore the musketeers to their place. I could think of no one finer to lead them than M. de Treville.

We were nearly there when there was a loud crash. The queen came to a stop, listening carefully. “I believe your musketeers have arrived,” she commented calmly. The sound of shouting reached our ears. “Yes, Richelieu will be quite occupied by this.”

“To our benefit,” I added.

Queen Anne smiled and nodded. She continued on, the very picture of a woman at ease with everything. I was struck once again how very much a queen she was. She had nothing to fear, and everyone would be able to see it.

Ahead of us, the king went rushing across the hallway. “What is the meaning of this!” he called out.

“I don't think we want to miss this,” Anne murmured for my ears only. She hurried her steps and then paused in the doorway.

There in the gardens, looking sadly destroyed, was Buckingham's airship. I marveled that it had managed to fly this far, and could only shake my head at the crash landing that they had been forced to make. Over a dozen of the Cardinal's guards had their swords drawn.

I let out a sigh of relief on seeing D'Artagnan standing with his three friends. The Cardinal stood next to the king, and was gesturing towards the four in an accusing manner. But whatever he was trying to say was interrupted by Athos' words, which I strained to hear.

“Are delivering a gift, Your Majesty,” the dark haired former musketeer said, making a sweeping gesture to the airship. “Compliments of the Cardinal.”

My jaw dropped in amazement at Athos' stroke of genius. King Louis had requested a ship! So this was the gift he had mentioned back at Notre Dame. But why give Richelieu all the credit?

“Cardinal, you shouldn't have!” Louis exclaimed, clearly delighted with this turn of events.

For a moment, the Cardinal just stared at the king in confusion. “W-well, Your Majesty did ask me to get you one of those, so-,” he finally responded, gaining confidence quickly. He had been taken aback by Athos' words as the rest of us were, I'm sure.

Anne glanced at me and seemed to see my confusion. “Cutting Richelieu completely out of power would be a grave mistake,” she said in a low voice. “The king trusts him and relies on him.”

“So I did,” Louis realized ahead of us. The airship creaked and collapsed ever so slightly. “But what happened to it?”

Everyone looked over at the sad airship. “Buckingham's spy, Rochefort, attempted to sabotage the craft,” Athos explained without blinking an eye. “He's been dealt with.”

He had a very interesting version of events. “Rochefort?” Louis repeated in surprise. He turned towards the Cardinal. Anne nodded to me and started walking forward, as though she walked into a destroyed garden every day of the week. “He's Captain of your guards, isn't he?”

Richelieu said nothing, just looked at Athos. I wondered if he was as curious as I was to hear how Athos would explain this. Athos reached to his jacket. “Actually, His Eminence was the one who uncovered the traitor,” he answered. He held out a small sealed roll of paper.

Quickly, Louis took the paper and unrolled it, breaking the seal. “'It is by my order, and for the good of the state, that the bearer of this has done what has been done,'” he read aloud. He leaned towards the Cardinal, pointing at the paper. “That's your signature, isn’t it?”

“It would appear so, Your Majesty,” Richelieu responded. He made a low bow.

“Hang on. Let me get this right,” Louis said. “You brought me an airship, and exposed a snake in our midst. How can I ever repay you?”

“I can think of a few ways,” Anne said, announcing her presence. She held her mask low at her neck.

Instantly, the king turned to face her, looking unusually serious. “Anne,” he said, just a hint of nervousness in his voice.

After a brief moment of suspense, Anne dropped her mask, revealing the beautiful diamond necklace around her throat. “I was just returning from the jewelers,” she said serenely. A smile of absolute relief and joy appeared on the king's face. He almost looked like he would cry. “I realize its a little early, but the orchestra's here and so are we. Would Your Majesty care to dance?”

“I would love to,” Louis responded immediately, smiling fondly. He spun on his heel, and took off his hat. “Well, mind out, you fellows! D'Artagnan, well, well, well.”

Smiling with more happiness than I had seen in many weeks, Anne turned to me. She handed her mask to me. “Well done, Constance,” she said, ignoring the fact that the Cardinal stood only a few feet away. Her eyes went past me. “Nicolette, you are not needed.”

Startled, I glanced back to see the Cardinal's spy. Where had she come from? Dropping her mask, Nicolette nodded, looking a mixture of annoyed and ashamed. She backed away from us.

“As a matter of fact, I think you'll start noticing a few more changes around here,” I heard Louis say to D'Artagnan. I wondered what they could be speaking of. I saw them shake hands. “Thank you. For everything.”

“Anytime,” D'Artagnan said.

Giving me one last pleased smile, Anne walked to join her husband. “Well, strike up then!” Louis called to the band.

“Your Majesty!” the conductor exclaimed, making a bow. “Positions please gentlemen!”

The four heroes of the day bowed as the queen walked past. And the Cardinal was walking towards them. I held my breath. How was he going to react to our actions? And how would he retaliate?

Constant Companion (A 2011 The Three Musketeers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now