Chapter Thirteen

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I’m not sure what I expected to see when I stepped into my first tavern, but seeing every man involved in a no rules kind of brawl wasn’t it. I had been warned by the noise coming from the tavern as D’Artagnan and I approached, but that still hadn’t been enough preparation for seeing it first hand. Plates were smashed, tables over turned, and bodies hitting the floor.

“Look out!” D’Artagnan exclaimed, grabbing me and pulling to the side. A pair of men in the middle of grappling with the other narrowly missed us.

It was difficult, but I finally managed to locate the rest of my escort. I sighed as I saw them in the very middle of the fray, causing the most amount of damage. Someone seemed to have sent out a message because it seemed every village man had turned out to join in. I began to turn my back on the scene, determined to leave the former musketeers to the consequences of their actions.

Before I could tell this to D’Artagnan, though, a drunk staggered into him. Without a word, the drunk punched D’Artagnan. D’Artagnan’s eyes sparked with anger and then, he was in the brawl.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I said with a grown. Rest, they had said! In no way was this restful for anyone, unless they were hoping to get knocked unconscious, and it didn’t look like any of them were planning on stopping any time soon. “Well, this is just…perfect.”

Having grown up with my father acting as a magistrate, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone in charge came to keep this place from being destroyed from the inside out. And not only stop the fight, but lock up all participants until he decides to let them out.

I didn’t have time for this!

My eyes landed on the swinging lanterns that hung around the room. If they couldn’t see any more…

It was a small, probably futile hope, but I had to do something! Snatching up a broken chair leg as a weapon, I started around the wall. I had to move fast to avoid the fists, elbows, and other body parts that were moving. It was with a sense of triumpth that I reached the first lantern. Using the chain leg, I got it down from the rafter it hung on, and I blew the flame out.

Someone slammed into me, knocking me against the wall. “Mademoiselle Bonacieux,” Aramis said in surprise. “What are you-?”

He broke off as a huge local man charged him. Aramis grabbed the lantern from my hand and swung it in the man’s face.

Rolling my eyes, I made for the bar at the back of the room. There was no way I was quick enough to take enough of the lanterns out myself. I suspected the three woman cowering at the bar would be of assistance. When I finally reached my target, the oldest of the women rose.

“M-my lady?” she stammered

I didn’t correct her. “If there is no light, they cannot see whom they are fighting,” I said, getting straight to the point. “I doubt they can keep this up.” I saw the doubt in her eyes. “We must at least try!”

After a moment, the woman nodded and smiled slightly. “Very well, my lady,” she said. She turned to the other girls. “You heard the lady! Douse the lights.” As the girls scurried to obey, the woman faced me again. “My husband tried to stop it, but-“ She waved her hand at the fight.

Her tone was apologetic, and I nodded, knowing her husband to still be fighting, though not to stop it, I would wager. I headed for the fireplace where a fire still burned. I picked up a bucket, which had miraculously not been overturned. I tried not to think about what kind of liquid it contained as I tossed it at the flames. The fire went out with a hiss.

It was quickly becoming dimmer and dimmer in the room, and I knew the safest place for me would be at the bar. A tall, thin man blocked my way, though. “Well, hello, ma’mselle,” he slurred.

Constant Companion (A 2011 The Three Musketeers Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα