Chapter Ten

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With Benita right behind me, I rushed to reach the queen. Only Dolores was with her when we caught up to them. “Your Majesty,” I exclaimed. “Is this wise?”

“At least I will make sure Richelieu knows that I know,” Anne said with dignity. She smiled sadly. “My faithful companions. Don't try to keep me from this.”

A loyal lady in waiting would not fail to follow such a command, and I would not be unfaithful like Nicolette. “Of course not, Your Majesty,” I said, straightening my shoulders. “We're with you, no matter what.”

Anne nodded once and continued on her way. With Dolores and Benita behind me, we followed our queen to Richelieu. Guards opened the doors in front of her and she strode into the room without waiting to be announced. In the middle of sword practice, Richelieu stopped when he saw Anne approaching.

“I hope I'm not interrupting,” Anne said, insincerely.

We ladies in waiting, stayed in the hallway, but we could hear every word. “Hardly, Your Majesty,” Richelieu said with a smile and a bow. “To what do I owe-?”

“I know,” Anne interrupted.

Richelieu stared at her for a moment. “Perhaps Your Majesty would care to be a bit more specific?” he requested.

The gal of the man! Pretending, even now, that he was innocent of any wrong doing! I was outraged, and I could only imagine how furious Anne must be. “I know,” she repeated, firmly. She stood there, staring at Richelieu with more dignity than I'd ever seen her muster.

“Yeah,” Richelieu said slowly. “I assume this is the part where I'm supposed to laugh maniacally and regale Your Majesty with the details of some diabolical plot. However, I regret to inform your Majesty that I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“I thought you'd say that,” Anne told him.

For a moment, Richelieu looked dumbfounded. “Then, why did Your Majesty grace me with the honor of your visit?” he asked.

“To look into your eyes when you said it.”

The cardinal had no response as he straightened his shoulders. Anne spun on her heel and walked out of the room. I knew as I saw her face that she was barely holding onto her composure. The doors swung shut and Anne came to a stop a few feet away.

“Your Majesty,” I said as I hurried to her side. She turned to me, struggling to keep from sobbing. Her despair pulled at my heart. I would not allow my friend to be hurt in this manner! “All may not be lost yet,” I told her and hope filled her eyes.

“What do you mean?” she asked in a low voice.

Glancing at the guards, whom I knew would report to the cardinal, I moved further down the hallway. Anne followed with Benita and Dolores. “I mean, we know that Richelieu has had your diamonds taken so that you cannot wear them for the king,” I said, making sure to keep my voice low, just in case.

Anne nodded, tears still in her eyes. “I know who may have them,” I told her.

“Who?” Benita and Dolores both exclaimed.

“Lord Buckingham,” I told them. I knew this news would cause the queen pain, but there was no other way to figure out how to resolve this. “The rumor now is that you and Buckingham have been carrying on an affair. That you don't have the diamonds would be taken as you gave them to Buckingham as a token of affection.”

Breathing out slowly, Anne closed her eyes. “Buckingham,” she said.

“Constance, I don't see how this makes anything better,” Dolores said sharply. “Buckingham is long gone, with the diamonds, obviously. They can never be recovered and since the queen won't wear them, everything is going to-.”

Constant Companion (A 2011 The Three Musketeers Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora