Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning, and smiled as I felt the sunlight hit my face. This was my day to do whatever I wanted, and a walk through Paris was on my agenda. I left my bed and dressed in my simplest dress. Most of my clothes were simple in comparison to the rest of the French court, but they suited me perfectly.

After a quick breakfast of pastries and tea, I made my way from the palace, my basket swinging on my arm. On my way out, I met an unfamiliar woman, who was striding through the doors as if she belonged there. We eyed each other as we passed.

She was a beautiful woman, whoever she was, her hair a reddish gold color. Her clothes were of the finest materials. She raised an eyebrow at me, and my chin came up in response. She looked away first, sashaying on her way. I sincerely hoped she would not be staying long at the palace.

The beautiful day soon chased away all thoughts of the mystery woman. I wandered the streets, careful to stay away from the most dangerous. It was times like this when I missed the company of my younger sister most. At home, we used to explore the countryside together, thinking of ways to escape our parents.

Thoughts of home made me slow my steps. A recent letter from my mother had given me the news of the family. My sister, young though she was at sixteen, had a beau. That was what had Mother hinting strongly that it was time I settled down and started a family of my own. It wouldn’t do if Grace married before me, her older sister.

Phillipe, my older brother, was learning the ways of the Bonacieux estate from father. He too, it seemed, was courting a girl. Were everyone’s minds on marriage? I shrugged as I considered. It was spring and that was just the way it seemed to go this time of year.

I reached Cooper’s Yard about mid day. All I’d purchased on my walk so far had been some wildflowers. As pretty as the palace gardens were, at times I missed the wild beauty of the country. As I admired more blooms at a cart, I heard shouting, and I turned to see what was happening.

I’d never seen so many of the Cardinal’s Guards in one place before! Puzzled as to what had brought them there, I edged closer to get a better look. The guards surrounded four men…no, three men, and one much younger boy. On the far side of the Yard I saw the Captain of the Guard, Rochefort. What had those four done to deserve this attention?

“Wait a moment,” I murmured, frowning. The three men…I’d seen them before. They’d been before the king often enough over the last year. Les inséparables, they were called. I racked my brain, trying to remember their names.

As I watched, the boy lunged at the guards, bringing his sword up. Oh, so that was it. A duel; and the guards had caught them at it. Still, what was he thinking, trying to take on all those men alone? I was astonished to watch as the boy grabbed a rope and swung in an arch, his blade parrying attacks from each side. Whoever he was, he was very skilled. That much was obvious.

The other bystanders were cheering as I cautiously moved a little closer to get a better look. One of the guards rushed past me to attack. “Why don't you help?” I murmured, glancing at the three men he'd been caught with. They may not be musketeers now, but surely they weren't about to stand for this boy to be slaughtered!

The boy was close to his opponent, and twisted around. One leg wrapped around the man, and as the boy flipped around, he dragged the man down to the ground with him. “Fool,” I breathed, but the boy wasn't done yet. He rolled across the group, slashing at the guards' feet, forcing them back. “He's going to get himself killed!”

The guards were surrounding him so quickly! He had no chance against those odds. I gasped as I saw one of the guards lunge at the boy's back. A sword parried the blow aside, and the three men were in the circle, taking their side with the boy. Well, it was about time!

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