Part Five

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Lauren finally broke the silence by clearing her throat. Veraun looked at her. "What's up?" Lauren shook her head. "Nothing..." She clutched the flower in her hand. She wanted to make him sneeze again...

Veraun's breath hitched and his nostrils flared. "E-eh..." Lauren's head turned to him. "You okay?" Veraun sniffled and his mouth opened ajar. He brought up his hands and jerked forward a little. "HeeshOO!" "Bless you!" Lauren's eyes widened. Is he really reacting to the tiny flower in my hand? Veraun nodded keeping his hands in front of his face. "T-tha-heh..." His nose twitched. "Heeeh..." Lauren got a mischievous look in her eyes. She decided to brush Veraun's sensitive nose with her hair, to make it extra tickly. Veraun was hitching like Lauren hoped he would. His nose was a bright red too. " huh! Huh! Hih!" Veraun needed to sneeze. Bad. But Lauren wouldn't let him just yet. She was having too much fun. She brushed her hair all around the entrances to Veraun's nostrils. Veraun's eyes were tearing up. He wiggled his nose, trying to get rid of the itch in his nose. But his eyes fluttered close and he gasped. Lauren was quick to grab a tissue and put it in front of Veraun's nose. Veraun still gasped a little, his nose twitching like crazy. "Heh! H-heh! L-Lauren ahhh..ahhhh..ahhhh ATCHEE!!! ESHEWWW!!!ESHHH!!! ESHHH!!! HESHOO!! AASSHHHOO!!! Heh....hih.....huh.....heeeeeSHUUUUH!!!!" Veraun sneezed against Lauren. She kept tickling his nose. Veraun tried shaking his head. "S-stah.....stop Hah! Hah! Hah! T-tickling m-my noh....noh....YEEEAAASHOOO!!!" Veraun put his head on Lauren's chest as he sneezed harshly. He lifted his head. "Oh God I'm so sorry..." Lauren's face was red. But she smiled. "Its okay Veraun." Veraun sniffled as she tickled his nose again. He had a sneezy expression again. "" He gasped desperately. Lauren continued tickling his twitchy nose. "Sneeze..." She begged. Veraun hitched and his nostrils flared as Lauren's hair circles his nose. "Hehhh....HEEEEEH...." He buried his face in Lauren's chest. "HESHHOO!! ASHHEWW!!!" He lifted his head looking up at Lauren.

He knew what she did, and why. Lauren returned a smile, knowing he knew.

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