Part Three

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Lauren didn't know how, but she was curled up on the couch with Veraun.  His breathing was slow, and his arm was around Lauren's waist. Lauren knew he was feeling better, but she was about to make him feel different. She was wearing a hat, and there was a flower in it. She evily and desperately wanted to watch Veraun sneeze again. His beautiful nose, untouched. She unhooked the flower and placed it under his nose, gently tickling the surfaces of his nostrils. Veraun didn't move at first, but then his mouth slightly parted and his nostrils became a light pink. Lauren could feel his chest rising, slowly getting faster with the need to sneeze.

"Ehhh.....heeehhh....oh god, why is m-my nose ti-heh......tickly?" He sat up a bit, through his watery eyes looking at Lauren. Lauren quickly put the flower down, and watched his sneezy pre sneeze expression take place on his delicate features. Veraun reached up to rub his nose but Lauren stopped him. "It's okay. Let them out." Her words were soft, even though her body was on edge. Veraun only gave a small nod, before he started hitching, the sound Lauren knew so well. "" Veraun's nose was so twitchy it was unbelievable. JUST from a flower. Veraun sniffled gently, already congested. "Huh......guh....." Lauren smiled inwardly and decided to tease her best friend. She rubbed his nose gently with her finger, and Veraun hitched a bit faster, the itchy tickle growing. "Laureb.....I....heh....might" Veraun tried to turn away from her, but Lauren held his jaw in place so he faced her. Veraun moaned and his small nostrils widened, with the need to release. "Hah.....haaahhhh...." "Go ahead." Lauren nodded. Veraun sucked in an involuntary gasp, then Lauren felt her neck being sprayed. "Hashew! Ashew!! Eshewww!! Hashew hashew hashew hashew eshew!!! ESHEWWW!!!!" He rubbed his nose sniffling repeatedly. Lauren smiled, her hips squirming with delight. Veraun didn't question what just happened, he assumed Lauren was trying to take care of him. He wasn't sick though. Just exposed to his allergens. He took another tissue and blew his nose, which got rid of the tickle mostly. Lauren was watching him with a smile.

Veraun's AllergiesWhere stories live. Discover now