Chapter 32

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Izuku's room...

Hari's POV

I put Izuku down in her bed back, since she couldn't move on her own. She was extremely exhausted... After Overhaul forced himself on her. And the fact that her whole body was aching so badly after the "punishment time" made it worse.

He has gone too far! Never once I thought he would hurt Izuku to the point she was THIS TRAUMATIZED!

Izuku stared at my face with sadly, her eyebrows furrowed in heartache. I could only give her a small smile of reassurance. I patted her head gently. "We swear we will get you out of here as soon as possible. Just believe in us, Izuku." I said, and she nodded her head silently.

"I will bring you another food. You haven't eaten your dinner yet, have you?" Nemoto asked, which hit me with realization. Shoot... He was right. Izuku hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Hmm..." Izuku weakly hummed in response. She seemed quite worn out, and it was all that deadbeat's fault.

"Alright then, we will take our leave now." I stood up from her bed, but Izuku suddenly gripped my sleeve. "Don't leave me...alone...again..." She begged, looking at the two of us pleadingly. My heart clenched at this painful sight.

"I promise I won't leave you again... For now, give us some time to make a plan to free you and Eri from here." I held her hand gently, and tears all of a sudden pooled in her eyes. She was hesitant, but released me from her firm grip.

"See you again, Young Lady." Nemoto tugged a smile for her, only to he responded with a silent nod.

As soon as the two of us left her room, I pulled out my gun and pointed it to Nemoto. He seemed pretty shocked by my sudden action.

I have doubts in him... I don't think he will easily betray Overhaul, considering how he has sworn his life and loyalty to Overhaul. Out of the Expendables, he was the most loyal to our boss...

... That's why it is difficult for me to believe in him.

"What's the meaning of this, Chrono?!" Nemoto shouted at me in dissatisfaction. I narrowed my eyes at him, inspecting his expression and behavior.

"From my observation, you are the most loyal to Overhaul.... That's why I doubt you, Nemoto." I spelt out my thought without hesitation. A sweat rolles down the side of his face.

"" Nemoto was speechless by my statement. "Answer my question honestly and I may consider letting you go, Nemoto. Are you serious to betray Overhaul?"

At last, I aired out the question that had been lingering in my mind.Nemoto was silenced for a moment, but I didn't care. I didn't care how long it would take for him to answer. I will wait here all day if need, because the answer will decide his true status here... enemy, or my ally.

"....I'm serious. I have no faith in Young  Master anymore. He promised me he would not to hurt Young Lady, but.... He betrayed my trust. That is why.... I decided to turn my back against him." Nemoto clenched his fist with strong-willed determination.

Honestly, I was surprised by his answer. I never imagined he would take such action...

"Young Lady... Is the only person I could trust... I will follow her forever and protect her every danger, even if it means I have to sacrifice my life to save her. So... Let me protect her along with you, Chrono." Nemoto stared at my face solemnly.

His explanation left me speechless. I retreated my gun from his face, putting it back the pocket of my raincoat.

"I see... If that is so, then I'm going to trust you. But know that, if I sense even the slightest hint of betrayal, I won't hesitate to end you in one second." I gave him one last warning, but he didn't waver even a little bit.

The Young Lady : Black Rose || Fem!Izuku X Shie HassaikaiWhere stories live. Discover now