Chapter 29

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Contain blood, gore, major characters death, unwanted touch and yandere Kai!!!

You can skip this chapter if you want. I will briefly explain what actually happened to Izuku in the next chapter.


Around the abandoned house,

Third Person's POV

Toya pulled out his beloved katana from Dabi's chest. He stared at his shiny katana that was dirtied with the ravenette's blood. Thick crimson liquid flowed down the tip of the sword.

Dabi coughed up blood before falling forward, landing on the ground with blood gushing out from the hole in his chest. His eyes were wide, lifeless. His body no longer moved, even an inch.

Eri watched the Yakuzas and the villains in horror. Himiko had frozen in shock too, not expecting the Yakuzas to arrive so soon. Her yellow irises trailed down to her dead comrade.

"Himiko Toga... Stay away from our Young Lady." Hari pointed his gun to the high-schooler, glaring dagger at her through the eyes of his plague mask. Himiko felt shivers running down to her spines. She backed away slowly, step by step.

"Nemoto, Setsuno. Retrieve Izuku and Eri." Kai commanded his subordinates, earning nods from the other two yakuzas. Shin and Toya walked over to the two sair girls, one still breathing while the other was unconscious. Eri held Izuku tightly, fear arising within her.

Toya picked Eri up with gentlenees and care, while Shin carried Izuku on his back. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing the young woman who still had her eyes closed.

"Well then, our mission is done-"

All of a sudden, black mist appeared behind them. Kai quickly reached out his hand to the ground and created a wall to separate them from the mist.

"....Well, it seems like we took so long to finish this... Simple task." Kai heaved out a sigh of frustration. He stayed crouching down, preparing himself in battle stance. His plan was to murder all League of Villains' members the moment they left the portal.

....and his plan worked out just perfectly.

The moment the villains came out of Kurogiri's portal, giant spikes were already chasing after them. Spinner, Compress and Twice were shocked and didn't manage to avoid the yakuza leader's fierce attack. The spikes penetrated their bodies in an instant.

Dark liquid splattered the ground, scaring little Eri. She clamped her ears shakily, not wanting to hear the horrifying screams echoing through the night.

Himiko was about to run away from the scene, but four walls suddenly surrounded her, leaving no escape route opened for the female villain. She pulled out her knife and tred to break the wall by stabbing it, but her efforts proved to be futile. She started panicking internally, her life flashed before her eyes. Ah, how she didn't like where this was going...

Spikes from the four wall appeared, piercing her whole body with their sharp tips. Her blood sprayed the enclosed space. It looked like a view coming out straight from a horror movie.

Kurogiri and Tomura watched their comrades being slaughtered by the Yakuzas in silence, both were speechless. They quietly backed down, intending to retreat from the fight.

'We can't win... These guys... Are dead serious to kill us...' The ringleader thought, clenching his fist firmly. "Kurogiri, let's go-"

A bullet shot into Tomura's arm, shocking him and his butler. Kurogiri tried to use his Quirk, but a large spike appeared behind him and pierced into his back.

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