~Happy birthday Pt.2~

Start from the beginning

Maybe this isn't so bad after all...


"Happy birthday Noah!!" We all shouted as he walked into the living room, a look of shock and happiness on his face. "Shit! You guys remembered?" He asked as I walked up to give him a bro hug. "Of course we remembered dude!! It's your Sixteenth birthday! How could we forget?"

Today was Noah's sweet sixteenth birthday, he's four months younger than me. My birthday is the 21 of March and his is 17 of July, today. He was finally a big boy!

"My baby boy is finally sixteen! Now is when he'll start to be rebellious and sneak out!! But we will catch you Noah..." His mom, Vanessa, shouted out. I started laughing, that earned a slap up the back side of the head from Noah.

"Why are you so excited about me being rebellious?"

"Because those are the fun years!! You boys sneaking out to parties, getting drunk, one night stands..."

"Mom!!" I was currently on the floor laughing my ass off as Noah went red from his mom's last comment. "What!! That's what you teenage boys do right?"

"Not all of us mom!! Some of us have a mind of our own!! Plus, half of the girls at school are sluts!! They've been in bed with every other dude!! I don't want a girl if she's already had another dude inside of her!!"

I cannot breathe!!

God, someone send help before I blow up!!

"Well, at least you're smart like your father. I'm happy as long as you don't hump and dump."


The party consisted of Noah being embarrassed by his mom and dad, eating cake, pouring soda on each other. Now, Noah was opening the presents we got him.

"Who's this one from?"

"Your bestest friend ever, practically your brother from a completely other bloodline but definitely from another mother." I said as Noah started to open my present. He pulled out a bunch of car stickers, specifically flames and skulls. "Stickers... you got me stickers..." Noah said as he looked up at me like I was a mad man. I simply smirked knowing the truth behind it.

"How about you open my present, hon." Vanessa said as she handed him a small wrapped up box. He ripped it open, pulling the lid off. His jaw hit the ground and his eyes went comically wide. "Y-y-you-"

"J-j-Just get up and go outside!" I shouted at him. He leapt to his feet without a second thought as he ran outside to the garage. "HOLY SHIT!!" We all followed out after Noah to see him freaking out over his new car.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS GOT ME A LAMBORGHINI CENTENARIO!!" I chuckled as Noah jumped into his car, fanboying over how "soft the seats were". I walked over but before I could touch the car, Noah glared at me. "Don't you dare touch my baby..." He growled out.

"But I thought I was your baby..." I said back, playing along with this stupid game.

"I'm sorry Li, but I've moved on, I'm in love with someone else." He said, dramatically hugging his car. I threw my head back, gasping as I placed a hand over my heart. "But I thought we had something! I guess all of those bro hugs meant nothing!! We are done!!" I mocked in the highest voice I could, throwing my head into my hands as I pretended to cry. I pushed past Vanessa and Kyle. Mark, Shaun, Ella and Mia were laughing their asses off.

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