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The so-called talk with Harry hasn't happened yet.

The boys basically moved into my place. They only go back to their hotel to sleep, then come back in the morning.

Luckily, they show up after the sun rises.

Harry's fulfilling his boyfriend duties. Since he left my place, he hasn't been back. I barely got a proper goodbye from him. I could sense the annoyance from him - he was short with me and said he needs to go back to the hotel.

No doubt, to tend to Trina.

How can I hate someone I've never met?

"Get ready, we're going out tonight," Niall chirps, handing me a coffee he picked up. He doesn't know I've already stopped for coffee during my morning jog. I graciously take it anyway.

You can never have too much caffeine.

Yes, you can, don't listen to me. Please don't get addicted.

"Where are we going?"

He laughs, sitting on my bed. "You always ask the same questions."

"Sorry for wanting to be prepared."

"We're going to an event. Dress nice."

"Nice? Like party-nice? Or funeral-nice?"

He grimaces at all my questions. "I don't know. Wear a dress or something."

"When you say dress, do you mean a-"

His hand covers my mouth as he groans with exasperation. "You're annoying."

I think about licking his hand, but I don't know where it's been or when the last time he washed it was. I'm not about to risk that. 

He takes his hand off and grins. "I'll consult with my apprentice and let you know what you should wear."


"Is there an owl in here?" Louis grins, walking in and sitting on my bed.

Niall and I give each other looks before asking, "What?"

"You know, owls say 'who', so I was just- nevermind." Louis sighs in defeat. We don't even try to make him feel better for his lame joke. "Anyway, El, you ready for tonight?"

I smirk, then ask, "Yes, for the... ball?"

Louis laugh loudly and clarifies for me. "The party silly. This new nightclub is opening and we're all going. Exclusives only."

Niall shoots him a dirty look while I smile triumphantly. "Oh yeah, that. I'm gonna start getting ready. You guys should probably go back and shower or something."

"Oh, you think we smell?" Niall fakes hurt, resulting in Louis smacking his head.

"Let's go, dude. She's clearly trying to get rid of us."

"I am not!" I say defensively. "I'm just trying to get ready without distractions."

"Yeah, Niall, she doesn't wanna get distracted by our handsome looks. Let's leave before she falls in love with us. Harry would give us black eyes." Louis smirks, pulling the blond out of the room.

Once they're out, I call Audrey over and explain my night. She grins, pushing me to shower and start my makeup.

After the long process of getting ready, I'm almost done. My hair is effortlessly curled (thanks to Audrey, who insisted it was necessary), my face has glam makeup, and I'm dressed...


I'm still in my sweats. Audrey's scrambling around my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit.

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