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Ellie's P.O.V

He's reckless, stupid, spontaneous. 

All the reasons I shouldn't be with him.

But I can't help it. I'm attracted to him. Physically and soulfully. 

I can't decide what to do with him. I feel like we aren't on the same page, especially after this stunt he pulled. 

I'm hurt, I can't say that I'm not. 

Word gets around that Harry is on a plane back to Europe. I'm not shocked, it seems like him to run away from his problems instead of dealing with them. 

I try to push past the aching feeling in my heart. I need to get on with my life instead of moping around. 

Work is annoying. I never minded working before, but now I'm cranky all the time. Drew notices my irritation and tries not to bother me. He makes jokes, trying to lighten my mood. I wish it helped.

My manager notices my mood and calls me to the back. "Ellie," she says, looking at me as I enter her office. "I want you to take the day off. Your mood is putting me in a bad one."

As much as I don't want to lose the money, I know she's right. I clock out and wave bye to Drew. He looks a tad bit confused but relieved that he doesn't have to deal with me anymore. 

I send a text to Audrey, informing her I don't need a ride home. 

She texts me back, asking if I made up with Harry. 

I reply with a sad face emoticon.

Instead of going home, I decide to jog to the creek that I've visited once before. If I go home, I know I'll be bombarded by Lily and her nosy questions. I know she's invested in this relationship, but sometimes she goes too far. Granted, she mostly knows her boundaries. 

I fiddle with my necklace as I walk, a habit I've developed. The cold chain rests between my fingers.

The green forest comes into view. Even though it's winter, the trees are vibrant and have their leaves. Florida is a weird state.

I keep walking until I hear the flowing water. It sounds peaceful, but really makes me want to pee. Once I find a clear spot, I sit down. I sit in silence for a couple minutes, but then get distracted by my phone. I check my messages and Instagram. 

I decide to upload a picture from our vacation. It's a candid one because I always look so awkward in posed pictures. It's just me with my arms raised, trying to touch the snow. I look genuinely happy. 

Leaves crunch as someone steps on them. I choose to ignore them, but then realize it could literally be a serial killer. This creek isn't well known, so the chances of it being a killer could be high.

I turn around to see a mop of brown curls and green eyes staring down at me.

Not a serial killer, but a heartbreaker.

"Hello Love."

"Thought you were supposed to be... not here," I huff, turning back forward. 

He sighs and takes a seat next to me. "I just said that so the media would be off my tail."

Smart, very smart. Also deceitful. What else is he lying about?

I keep quiet, looking at the flowing water ahead. Harry reaches for my hand but I pull it away.

"I'm sorry that I said that. I wasn't thinking. I promise I'll fix this." He sighs, running his hand through his brown locks. "I just want to share you with the world."

I lean my head against his shoulder, surrendering my anger. "Don't say anything."

He breathes in and kisses my head. 

We sit in silence for a while. I don't know how to solve this problem, but there's nothing Harry can do to fix it.

"Besides, I wanted to spend the New Year with you."


I arrive home, alone, and get ready for bed. 

Audrey texts me, informing me she's hosting a huge New Year's Eve party. I text back, saying I'll be there. 

I still haven't told her about Harry. I want to, just so I can know who her soulmate is, but I hold off. Plus, I would be able to tell her about all my boy problems. 

Lily yells out for dinner, and I yell back, saying I'm sleeping.

"You aren't sleeping if you're talking to me," she remarks. I hear the attitude in her voice. She's so snarky.

I lie down, feeling my eyes get heavier. 

Harry's P.O.V

Just because Ellie is talking to me doesn't mean all is well. I can tell she is still upset, but I don't know what to do. 

There is one thing... but it's bold. I don't think Ellie would agree.

I get a text and check my phone.

Audrey: NYE party at my house. Here are the details...

I smile. It's nice of her to invite me. This way, Ellie and I can meet without going together. It draws less attention. 

I text her back, informing I'll be there. Then, I text El that I was invited. She seems surprised, but then tells me she's sleeping. A simple goodnight text flashes on my screen, and I can literally feel the anger radiating off it. 

It's risky being seen in public, especially at a party. It all seems risky, but a bit fun. 

To everyone, I'm a celebrity crashing a random party. It'll be fine. Worst case, I have to sign some autographs. 

At least I'll be with Ellie.

I get into bed, happy that I get to celebrate the new year tomorrow. 

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly. 


Short chapter but the next one is one of my favorites! 

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