His favorite place to take you on a date

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Seokjin:  The bowling alley

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Seokjin: The bowling alley. But not just any bowling alley, one that was open 24/7. you two would go at an odd hour, 2 or 3 in the morning and goof around. He'd always win, but you'd always cherish the laughs you two shared. His not so amazing victory dances, the bad, cringe music that played in the back ground,  and even the stale food. It was all perfect as long as you where with him.

Namjoon: The library

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Namjoon: The library. He loved to grab a random book off the shelf, you doing the same, and sitting at a table in the back. He'd watch in awe as you slipped on your glasses, something he only say when you absolutely need them. Why you hated your glasses? He didn't know, you looked to damn cute in them. Occasionally, he'd kick you leg, just to get your attention for a split second.

Yoongi: Star gazing

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Yoongi: Star gazing. Neither of you liked being out in public, so you'd practically jump in the car when it was lightly raining, and drive into the night until the stars came out. You two would lean your seats back and just watch the stars as the glittered in the sky. He'd slid his hand over next to yours, and hind your hand, delicately lacing his fingers with yours.

Hoseok: the dance studio

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Hoseok: the dance studio. One far, far, away from big hit. Dance was how you two met; and it was a crucial part of your relationship. There was nothing you two loved more then to jump around the studio jamming out to really bad Tik tok songs at an odd hour of the night. Half way through, when you two are covered in sweat, and about ready to pass out, hoseok would grab your shoulders and give them a light squeeze, repeating the words 'I love you' until the whole world knew.

 Half way through, when you two are covered in sweat, and about ready to pass out, hoseok would grab your shoulders and give them a light squeeze, repeating the words 'I love you' until the whole world knew

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Jimin: ice cream. You and jimin would travel all the time, but no matter where you where, an ice cream date was a must. But oh no, you couldn't go to the locals favorite ice cream parlor rated 5 stars on yelp and call it a day. What made it special was trying to find the most under rated and unheard of parlor, and going there and instead.

 What made it special was trying to find the most under rated and unheard of parlor, and going there and instead

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Taehyung: shopping. No matter what is for, clothes, shoes, jewelry, shopping was was always a fun thing to do with him. You in particular, loved thrift stores. (Of which Taehyung hated but oh well) when you'd go, you two would always set out to find the most hideous, disgusting, article of clothing possible. It was a special thing between you and him, and that's what you loved most.

Jungkook: swimming

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Jungkook: swimming. He's always sneak around you, and find a way to throw you over his shoulder. You'd yelp and slap his back, telling him to put you down. Of course, he wouldn't. He'd throw you off of him, and laugh as you swam back to surface. "I hate you" you'd giggle. He'd swim over, and wrap his arms around your waist, mumbling an I love you too.

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