"No. The gun you were shot with has also been confiscated." He paused, hesitation crossing his blue eyes.

"Spit it out, Mike." I turned away from him. "You have until I've finished my drink to say what you want or I'm going to bed and you can go back with that. Because I'm not keeping... that without a valid reason."

I reached into the fridge to pull out a carton of milk. I poured it out into a glass and turned to face Mike as I took my first sip. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "I..."

"Go on."

Mike exhaled softly. If I didn't know any better, that was a sigh. "The higher ups want me to dispose of it. But... I'm not so sure I should."

"Why?" I licked my lips. "Suspect a conspiracy?"

"No. Not at all." He threw me a glare. "All they do is for the good of angel and mankind. There is no conspiracy."

"Alright, alright." I held up a hand in a sign of peace. "I get it. It was a joke."

Mike's glare faded away, interest replaced it. "You're acting pretty nonchalant for this situation. Any other human would..."

"Scream?" I added as he trailed off. "Cry? Piss their pants? Have a panic attack?"

"Atleast one of the above."

Wow. He just reminded me of those tests I gave in school. I shrugged. "I don't know if it's the apathy Lou talked about, but I have actually have no feelings towards that bag." I paused. "My earlier reaction was surprise at seeing it, but that's about it."

"I predicted that kind of reaction." He cocked his head. "The change in you is subtle, but I can feel it. There's now a certain similarity between you and Lou."

"Interesting." I replied, not finding it that interesting at all. "I'd rather not be compared to Lou though. He's a straight up asshole."

Mike laughed softly and looked away as he did. "Sounds about right."

I stifled my surprise at that relaxed emotion. Was it all the tequila? Or did he feel a sense of familiarity as well but refused to admit it? He did have a hand in resurrecting me after all. He seemed kind of... human right about now.

I took another sip of the milk as I turned to keep the carton back in the fridge in the extended silence. Mike had his eyes on me again when I turned around. "Back to the point. I need you to keep this bag safe. Hide it."

"Need me?" I raised an eyebrow. "That's certainly new. But it's not a good enough reason for me to keep it."

Mike narrowed his eyes at me. "I saved your life."

"After Lou had already gotten to it. But, fair enough." I shrugged. "Don't you guys have evidence lockers in heaven, or Angel Land, or wherever you live?"

"I'd rather keep it separate." He replied immediately. He hesitated once more. "It's what you humans call a 'hunch'."

A soft whistle escaped my lips. I left the glass of milk on the counter as I walked over to Mike and the bag. He stepped aside as I went straight for it. I took a few moments to look over it. It elicited no more reactions from me. There was nothing. Even after I unzipped it and stared down at the guns in the bag— there was nothing.

I reached out and ran a finger over the cold metal. A shiver went down my back. It reminded me of Lou's skin on mine. I felt Mike shift beside me as I decided to wrap my fingers around one of them. The barrel, I guess that's what they call the business end of the gun, was pretty thin.

"Ooh, that's heavy." I mumbled in surprise. The metal thunked against the guns at the bottom as I let go. "Where do I hide it?"

"With your stash of marijuana in the ceiling tiles of your bedroom would be a good place to start."

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