Night 1

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As we drove through Manhattan pushing wrecks out of the way we come across a school bus. The engine is smoking and there is fresh blood on the grill. Inside is obvious signs of movement. We approach and notice that the blood isn't applied like something hit the bus but more like something exploded. On the ground is a dead body with a hole in its head. The bus windshield also has a bullet hole in it. Before I could yell: Get Down! There is a gunshot. Not a small one either, more like: This is a Big Ass gun! The ground beside me explodes and I jump behind the bus. I notice a NYPD ESU truck and scurry over to the back. There isn't any armor or much weapons but there is a radio. I grab it and show it to the people near our vehicles. One of my friends grabs the radio from the duty belt we stole and we begins to talk. He suggests tricking the sniper into fireing at something. I grab a dead body and hold it up.

The sniper fired and its head was gone. Seconds later I get a call saying where the sniper is. Both groups of us fired at the window keeping him down. I run over with my MP5 and someone else runs over with a fucking LMG. We enter with a kid with a shotgun following and when we reach the door LMG girl goes first. The door is opened and bullets spray. After a few seconds the shooting stops and a dead guy wearing a prison jumpsuit is on the ground with rounds covering his chest. We steal his guns and run out to the cars and drive off. After the last shooting incident we learned zombies like noise. I keep the sniper because I wanted to and everyone else didn't want to carry it.

As we continue down the dark NY streets with the only glow coming from fires and the occasional working street lamp we see more of the same. Wrecks, and bodies. After a few blocks from the shootout we find a highway on ramp. We decide to loot the highway before returning to the units. On the highway is flashing lights from unmarked police cars and a flipped bus. The thing is this bus is blue and has the word "CORRECTIONS" written on the side. Beside the unmarked cars is a body wearing a blue raid jacket with MARSHAL written on the back. There is also a Corections van with a dead police officer in riot gear beside him. We decide to loot the van and unmarked cars for weapons and ammo. We load this into our bags and bring them back to the trucks. We then go past the police convoy and find a humvee and a military transport truck. The humvee has a gun but is leaning precariously over the gaurdrail and over the Hudson River. We decide not to loot it ignoring the possibility for good guns. As we continue passing more wrecks there is voice over the radio.

Radio: Attention all survivors, we are launching evacuations from the Freedom tower tommorow morning. If that isn't possible for you head west, there is still military forces that way!

We look around and decide if we want to loot we should do it fast, we scramble to grab anything good and load it up. Using a ladder, rope and tools we manage to get the 50 cal off the humvee and to the ground. We realized now that we need a car to mount the gun on. We look around and notice a black SUV with emergency lights flashing in the windows. We notice the plate says: FBI inside is a laptop and a M4A1 carbine. The roof to the SUV can open for a person to poke their head out of. We strap the MG to the roof and drive down to the convoy. We have the police car go first, the the FBI car, then the fire truck. We find a wrecked semi and take shifts sleeping in the back.

An outbreak vs kidsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang