Playing with a mans feelings

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Soon we left the beach to go eat and we sat down then the waitress came up to us asking for our order...
Waitress- what can I get you two love birds?!
Brad- I would love the streak with fries.
Ava- I will get the same as him please...
Waitress- of course it will come soon..*winks*
Ava- did she just wink at me?!
Chad- it looked like it!
*both laughing*
We waited for 5 minutes until the waitress came up to us again with a smile and a hop with her step, 5 seconds later 8 men came up to us and asked us which was our plates, we told them and the funny thing is that they just started dancing in front of us eating for the food I'm guessing that's there way of entertaining us when I food comes out. But I wonder if they have someone chock on food after laughing so much like we did...
Soon we left the restaurant after eating and laughing and having fun, it was almost lunch time when we left and we was full so we didn't go anywhere else instead walk-in around the town that we forgot the reason we were here....
Later that day when the sun was setting we was still walking around when we heard growls from the shadows and behind us but when we turned around nothing was there we continued walking on high alert then we thought that we needed to go back to our cabin to get our gatherings..
Once we finished packing up we left out the door still on high alert we went in the woods by the shadows that still holds growls and coldness in the air... we quickly changed into our wolves to run faster instead of foot but we didn't know where else we would hit to lay down for a bit....
The run took hours maybe days but we wasn't gonna stop unless we felt safe we ran by roads, lakes, forest, and also sometimes houses we wanted to live in a place that had a calming feeling to it so you can easily find out when something is around....

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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