"I know, which is why I called you. I'm not going to live my life keeping this from her. I'm telling her tonight but I just couldn't face her just yet" I tell him. He simply looks at me well more like glares at me and doesn't say anything after that.

"Can you say something?" I ask him "Anything" 

"I think you and Jughead are fucking idiots for letting someone as miserable and pathetic as Veronica Lodge break you guys away from an amazing woman like Betty Cooper" He tells me

"I know man, I know" I then say

"Dude, she gave birth to your. Fought for you over and over again after you continued to fuck up your life, she stood by your side at your fathers funeral. All of that was Betty not Veronica. You are one lucky son of a bitch to be able to say you're about to marry her but now I just think you're stupid" He finishes 

"You boys hungry?" Asks a waitress as she brings out a pen and a notepad. 

Betty POV:

I continuously look out the window and continue to call or text Archie but he hasn't responded. I look at the time now and see that it's almost 1 in the morning, Where the hell is he? 

I lay back down on our bed and stare up at the ceiling just waiting for him to come home and demand answers. It really hurts me that Veronica and Jugheads return is getting to Archie this much. 

20 minutes pass by and I finally hear the door open, I don't think twice and quickly stand up and go downstairs as fast as I can. 

"Where the hell were you!?" I whisper yell to him making sure he knows that I'm beyond pissed off. 

He looks down and I can tell that he's actively avoiding looking up at me. "Well are you going to answer my fucking question?" I ask him in disappointment and disbelief but he still doesn't answer, he leans on the door and slides down. Oh god, he did something. 

"Betty, I don't deserve you" He says to me in a cracked voice as tears begin to spill out his eyes. I begin to feel nervous and my breathing fastens as I hear those words, he sniffles and finally manages to get up I can tell that he isn't drunk but I know that he's done something and I'm afraid to find out what it is he did. 

"I-I" He stutters but then pauses and looks at me in the eyes "Just remember that I love you" He says as he looks at me in the eyes. 

"Just tell me!" I yell out to him in frustration. 

"I cheated on you" He tells me

"What? With who?" I ask him, tears now coming down my cheeks, I can feel my heart breaking as I look at him. This can't be happening to me again. He stays silent once again and our sobs our the only thing that is heard throughout the house. 

"Tell me now!" I ask him in anger but he still doesn't say anything and I can feel the fury building from within me. "Get out" I say quietly. 

"What?" He asks.

"I said GET OUT!" I yell "I don't want you in the same house as me and my children, I want you gone!" I tell him, I begin to hit his chest as hard as I can as I try my best to retain my tears. 

"Betty please baby" He says to me in a pleading voice 

"NO! You're just like them. You're just as pathetic. I hate you!" I yell to him. I somehow find the strength to push him off of me and quickly open the front door and push him out. "I don't want you here" Is the last thing I say to him as I walk back inside shutting the door and locking it.

Jughead POV:

"Where were you?" I ask Veronica as she walks in with a huge smile on her face. I look at her with narrow eyes and wait for her to respond but instead she simply walks past me and sits on the sofa with the same smile almost as if she's satisfied with herself. 

"I slept with Archie" She says to me as she runs her fingers through her hair. 

"You what!?" I ask her in disbelief. 

"I slept with Archie" She says through a giggle. I was about to say something when I hear my phone ring from within my pocket so I quickly pull it out and see that it is an unknown number, I look over at Veronica who is still smiling to herself "I'll be back" I tell her and walk out to the kitchen answering the phone. 

Phone call:

"Hello?" I say, hoping that it's Betty. 

"Instead of tomorrow, can you come tonight?" 

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