Parasite Lost Prologue

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 "Good evening doctor, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"We have a problem," Dr. Malliny said as the holographic image of her face floated above Sirus Opulen's desk.

"How bad?" Sirus asked as he swiped through financial data hovering to his left and loosened his tie with a well-manicured finger.

"People are dying."

Sirus looked away from his bank accounts and stared into the projection of Dr. Malliny's eyes. Dr. Malliny took a moment to push her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Anyone important?" Sirus asked.

"Not yet, but it's only a matter of time."

"All right, I'll set up a CivOp contract right away."

"A civilian operative contract? Don't you think this is a little delicate to hire random mercenaries, sir?"

"I already have a few people in mind," Sirus admitted as he pulled up some dossiers that floated next to Dr. Malliny's head. He stood up and put his hands on the small of his back, using them for support as he leaned back and stretched out his spine.

"Is that, um, with all due respect, sir, is that legal?"

"This operation, your operation, is too important. I have to pull strings."

"Right," she nodded. "Well, I trust they are capable and discrete."

"Trust me doctor, I have everyone's best interest in mind."

"Right. Well, um, thank you sir," Dr. Malliny replied. A terrified scream pulled her attention from the conversation, "shut the doors! Don't let it-" she shouted.

Sirus Opulen waved his hand and the remaining screens floating above his desk disappeared. With his thumb and index finger he pinched the bridge of his nose. His reflection grew clearer as he walked over to a black console embedded in a glossy marble support pillar. He activated it with a swipe of his hand and a panel in the wall opened up. 

A cool glass of water slid toward him. He picked it up and took a sip, licking his lips for a moment. He placed the water back on the panel and pressed a few buttons hovering in front of him. The water slid back into the wall and the panel shut for only a fraction of a second before it opened once more and slid back out a few degrees cooler. He lifted the glass to his lips and sipped once more before taking a satisfying gulp.

He walked over to his desk and stood behind his massive leather chair with his face to the window. His eyes darted around the bustling cityscape before him. Most vehicles were not permitted to fly as high as his penthouse office. 

He looked down on the few that were high enough for him to see in any detail. He surveyed the flickering advertisements and their products, many of which he had engineered or put into production himself. There was no rooftop he could not see as he looked down on the vast metropolis of hive city Vytal.

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