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Warning ⚠️ rape and torture ahead extremely triggering ⚠️

*bakugous POV*

I can't no........ I feel a sharp stinging pain on my arm, I cry in agony. "Oh dose that hurt if you joined our league you won't have to feel this pain ever again." Like hell I'm going to join I don't want others to suffer the way I have my entire life. "For the last time I won't join..... so just kill me all ready" I say with no strength to shout, the blue haired male doesn't seem happy with that reply. He twists the knife into my arm, I feel tears run down my face as I scream.

*3rd person POV* ⚠️Warning ⚠️

 Shigaraki ties him to a chain on the wall the terrified blond screamed "NO PLEASE NO!PLEASE!!!" He unbuckled his pants and looked at baku with a sadist smile. The room is filled with skin slapping and crying "no please stop.........." he cries 

*the next day Baku POV* 

I woke up feeling empty and saw all over, the memory's of the night before start coming back as I cry my eyes out. I just want all the suffering to be over.

*kiri POV* 

I went out looking for Bakugou I came over a sketchy old building, I enter it I hear some one walking down the hallway. He had blue hair he looked like shigaraki, I entered the first room I came across. When he passed by I walked to the room he just came from, I heard loud crying. I opens the door to se Bakugou he was beaten, and distorted I went closer he was shaking and naked. "Bak-bakugou" I said to make sure because I couldn't see his face. He turned is head up, I hugged him I wrapped my hoodie around him, I immediately called mr Aizawa and the police. A while later they arrived they taken bakugou away for a check up. 

*1 month later*

I was in homeroom before the bell. Bakugou has made a grate recovery, I have been making sure he takes his PDSD meds. Mr Aizawa walkers in ok class we have a talent competition coming up, you don't have to do it but if you want to just sign this paper and leave me to nap. I think for a little while but I sign up.

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