Chapter Twelve

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Ok I am soooooo sorry, it's been three months D: I feel so bad for just ditching this, but on the plus side my university application has been sent off so that's out of the way :3  A-levels are still crazy but I'm making time for this sequel considering it's only got a few chapters left :p

Chapter Twelve


I had returned to Lestrade's flat to try and find clues as to where he had gone, in the vain hope that I had overlooked something the previous time (obviously I hadn't, but it couldn't hurt to look again).  However, after five minutes, the biggest clue to his whereabouts stepped through the door, quite literally!  

"JESUS!" He jumped backwards as he realised that he wasn't alone in his flat, his eyes wide like a rabbit caught in headlights.  I instantly knew he was hiding something.  

"No, not Jesus, Sherlock actually." I replied sarcastically, sitting down in one of the sofa chairs, and gesturing him to sit in the other.  Lestrade eyes me suspiciously before closing his door, and following me to sit.  

"What do you want, Sherlock?" He asked, rubbing his eyes tiredy.  I could tell from his posture that he hadn't slept for a few nights.  The stubble on his chin showed that either he hadn't been home for a few night either, or hadn't spent enough time to shave.  Either way, he had clearly been preoccupied with something.

"Where have you been?  And don't lie to me, Lestrade, this is getting serious.  People have died, and if you don't help me then there's a good chance that more will die too."  I told him sternly, letting my built up emotions become partially evident in my voice - just enough to make myself sound strong, but not so much that I sounded like I was blinded by emotions.  This worked, as he slowly looked up and sighed deeply.

"Protecting somone." 


Lestrade refused to tell me who, insisting that he would rather show me.  I didn't argue with this as it meant I would also be able to question them as well.  

We drove for about half an hour until we arrived at a small cottege at the edge of a small forest, and parked the car.  I followed Lestrade as he walked into the house, but he gestured me to stop just inside the doorway.  I nodded and closed the door and he moved forwards slightly, almost warily.

"I'm back." He called out softly.  There was a shuffling noise upstairs which became progressively louder until a young woman appeared at the top of the stairs.  She hadn't noticed I was here, so you can imagine her surprise as when she practically ran down the stairs and saw me.

"Lestrade!  Did you bring more food-" She stopped in her tracks when her eyes fell on me.  "No, no, no, no!  How could you bring him here?!" She began to panic as she clearly recognised me, although I'll admit it took me another few seconds before I recognised her.  But when it hit me, I wanted to hurt her.  

"Shhh it's ok, he won't hurt you." Lestrade assured her.  I personally couldn't promise the same.  

"Jennifer Louise Moriarty." I spoke her name slowly, making sure to hide my venom when all I wanted to do was interrogate her.  She flinched slightly under my intense stare.

"Yes?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, and slightly hoarse from fear.

"Where is he?"  Her brow furrowed slightly at this, but I persisted. "Your brother, James." 

"I don't know."  She lowered her gaze to the floor and sighed quietly.  "After everything that happened at the house, we panicked.  Joshua was becoming tyranical, and when he told us to kill Lana, we just couldn't.  Her friend was in much worse shape, and wouldn't have survived anyway.  So we killed her instead, but when you worked it out and Joshua opened the body bag, we knew everything was going to fall apart.  When the shooting started, James and I just ran.  We got separated in the forest, but I managed to get to the hospital to warn Lana-"

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