Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


The door at the top of the stairs opened again, waking me roughly from my sleep.  Joshua walked down the stairs and pulled a chair with him.  He set it down in front of me and Mia and sat down, sighing deeply.

“I suppose you want to know why you’re here.” He began calmly.

“Not really, no.” I shrugged, making myself look confident even though I was bordering a break down.

“You’d best start showing some damned respect, you little b**ch.  I could be doing a LOT worse to you than keeping you here.” He threatened, his eyes narrowing.  I decided it would be best to stay silent.  “As I was saying, you’re here not because you have done anything wrong – you especially.” He looked at Mia who shrunk back under his gaze.  “I am sorry that you’re here – it was never in the plan.  When I sent my men to the mall, they took you rather than Lana – you look so similar.” He began to explain.  I glanced at Mia and I’m pretty sure I saw a hint of anger flash my way.  Personally, I don’t blame her for not liking me – if I’d never come to their school, she wouldn’t be locked away in a cellar right now.  Although to be fair, it’s not my fault that Joshua’s men are so stupid that they couldn’t even kidnap the right girl – we didn’t look that similar. 

“Anyway, it’s not your fault that you’re here.  I don’t want either of you – I want Sherlock.  Sherlock Holmes and Lestrade.” He spat their names in disgust, his whole face contorting with anger. 

“He won’t come.” I muttered quietly, but instantly wished I hadn’t.  Joshua’s fist collided with my jaw not even two seconds after I’d spoken.  A sickening CRACK echoed around the cellar making Mia scream.  Why the hell was she screaming?  Had she been punched?  No.  I rubbed my bloodied jaw and forced myself not to cry.  I would be strong.  Instead, I stood up and looked him in the eye – which was difficult as he was a good five or six inches taller than me.

“He won’t come and you know it.” I hissed, making sure that this time I ducked as his fist flew my way.  As I ducked, I kicked him in his ‘area’ causing him to collapse.  I looked at Mia and grabbed her arm, and pulled her to the stairs.  We made it right to the top before Joshua managed to stand.  I pushed her through the door and together we ran outside.  Completely disoriented, we had no idea where to go.  Mia stumbled to a halt but I grabbed her elbow and pulled her along.  There were no trees for cover so we just ran along the dirt track in the hope that we’d reach civilisation before Joshua caught up with us.  That hope was short lived as I could hear pounding footsteps behind us.  I risked a glance back to see Harry and two other men running after us.  A few seconds passed before I felt myself get tackled to the ground.  I screamed at Mia to keep running.  I kicked my legs out, and my right foot made contact to the thug’s nose, breaking it.  I slipped out from his grasp just as Harry leapt at me.  I managed to catch up to Mia pretty easily as she was faltering.  We would have had a chance, until I heard the gunshot.  I didn’t feel anything, my legs just gave way and I hit the floor.  Everything went black.

I woke up to a searing pain in my leg.  I winced as I looked down and saw that I was covered in blood – just below my knee was bandaged up though.  I glanced around and saw that I was back in the cellar.  Brilliant.  I heard movement beside me and squinted through the poor light to see two figures.  Mia was lying on the floor, possibly unconscious whilst another girl was tending to her.  I half crawled along the floor, and when she saw me the girl jumped in fright.  She stepped back into the light and I saw she had dark hair, and those eyes.  The same eyes that all of the Moriarty children had.  Dark, empty.

“Miss Moriarty I assume?” I asked sarcastically, gritting my teeth against the pain.  She nodded timidly and glanced down at my knee.

“I would give you painkillers...but I’m not allowed.”  She apologised quietly.  

“So, you’re job is to sit there and watch us suffer?” I snapped at her, making her flinch.  I didn’t care, she didn’t look like she’d hurt me. 

“Yes, that’s my job.  That’s why I bandaged your leg up, and tried to help your friend.” She hissed sarcastically before marching back up the stairs.  I sighed deeply and crawled over to Mia.  She laid still, unmoving like a statue.  I moved my hand to her mouth and nose, and sighed in relief when I felt her breathing.  She had a pulse, but it was barely there.  She was hanging on, but she wouldn’t last long without proper help.  I let myself fall backwards onto the cold floor as the tears starting to slide down my face.  There was no way we could get out of here. 


Moriarty had children.  Moriarty’s children had Lana.  There was only one way that we could get her back – give them what they want.  They want Lestrade and myself – perhaps they’d settle for just me?  I doubted it, but I didn’t want to lose any of my friends.  I leant back into the seat of the taxi and tried to shake away my thoughts. 

As I walked into 221B, I was confronted with John.

“Something you want to tell me?” He asked, an eyebrow raised.  I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

“I don’t have time for this, John.”  I muttered and opened my laptop.  John sat on the sofa opposite, grinning.  “What?” I sighed, not taking my eyes off the screen. 

“Oh I think you know what.” He chuckled.  I frowned, very confused and looked at him.  When he noticed my expression,  his smile fell.

“ don’t know?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. 

“NO!” I shouted at him, exasperated. 

“SHHHH!” He hissed.

“Why?” I scowled at him.

“You’ll wake her up.” John whispered.  Her?  Who on earth was her?  John stood up and nodded towards my bedroom.  Cautiously, I stood up from the desk and walked towards my room.  Slowly I raised my hand against the door, and poked my head around the corner.  Oh.  Her.  Lying on my bed, half buried by the duvet and cushions was The Woman.  Irene Adler. 

I felt John grab my elbow and pull me back into the lounge.

“What are we going to do with her?” He asked.  I shrugged, I didn’t know why she was here.

“I thought she was beheaded in Karachi!” He whispered, making me chuckle.

“I couldn’t let that happen, could I?” I told him, smiling as I turned around.  What mattered was why she was here now.


And there's chapter seven :)  Why do you think Irene has returned now?  :P

The Game Is On -  (Sequel To Triple Threat)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora