Jack Avery- Paralysis

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For some reason, paralysis has different symptoms and a different process than being immediately paralyzed. Anyways, enjoy :)

"Boys! I brought food!" Eben called as he walked into the house. 

Eben set the chic fila bags on the counter as the boys raced into the room. After a week of nonstop meet and greets, they were ready for the day off. Jonah grinned as he sipped the coffee Eben had bought. "Filming a new episode of Dak and Brody?" 

"Yeah. Dani could be the chef," Eben replied as he handed Zach a box of food. 

Zach grinned. "Does Klif come back?" he asked eagerly.

"Not for now," Jonah replied. 

Zach nodded. "That's cool," he muttered. 

Jonah nodded and glanced at Jack. "You good?" he asked. 

"Yeah. I'm feeling a little sad. I'm just gonna take a walk and see if that helps," Jack mumbled and left the house. 

Jack pulled his hood on and walked down the street. He arrived at the park when a kid ran into him. Jack stumbled and fell onto a rock near the curb. He felt something crack and closed his eyes in pain. "Dude, I'm so sorry," the boy stammered. 

Jack got to his feet. "Don't worry." 

When Jack got home, the pain in his back was too much. He collapsed on the ground and the world went black. 

Corbyn, who had gone out to shop for food, pulled into the driveway and gasped. "Jack!" he called running to the door. "What happened?" 

Jack moaned rolled over. "I tripped. I guess I passed out."

Corbyn helped Jack to his feet and led him to the kitchen. "Have a seat. I'll get you a glass of water," he sighed. 

Jack rested his head on the counter. "Corbyn, I feel really sick," he moaned. 

Corbyn went over to Jack and frowned. "You've got a bump on your head. Looks like you hit it pretty hard." 

"Corbs," Jack began when Daniel and Jonah ran in. 

Daniel patted Jack's shoulder. Jack saw stars as pain spread from his back all the way to his head. "Oh man," he muttered. 

"What?" Daniel asked worriedly. 

"Nothing. My back's a little sore," Jack stammered as he began feeling weak. 

Corbyn looked sympathetically at Jack. "Let's get you somewhere you can lay down." 

The boys got to Jack's room. Corbyn nodded. "Call if you need anything. I'm just gonna be downstairs alright." 

Jack nodded and dozed off. The pain was much worse than he was making it out to be. He woke up a few hours later and a wave of nausea hit him. He got up and hurried to the bathroom. He retched but nothing came up. "Someone help," he moaned. 

Jonah raced upstairs to the sound of Jack's cries. "Dude, what's going on?" 

"I don't know," Jack muttered.

After a few minutes Jonah sighed. "I don't think you have anything in your stomach. How about you just go lay down again?" 

Jack tried to move and his eyes widened. "I can't move Jon!" 

"What do you mean?" Jonah stammered. 

"I can't fucking move Jonah!" Jack sobbed. 

Jonah grabbed his phone and called the ambulance. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the hospital. The doctor appeared after an hour. "It seems that Jack fell and something happened to his back. He's slightly paralyzed from the waist down but it should be only temporary. We'll keep him overnight but you can take him home tomorrow in a wheelchair."

The endings lately tho. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe❤🙏

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