Corbyn Besson - Depression

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Corbyn? Are you okay? Zach asked worriedly.

Please come in here. Corbyn stammered. Zach, I need you.

Zach entered the bathroom and closed the door. Corbs. He said as he watched Corbyn sob on the bathroom floor. Whats wrong?

Youre too young to understand. Corbyn mumbled.

Zach shook his head. Im nineteen. Try me. He said.

I cant do it anymore. I just cant. Its too hard. Corbyn stammered. Please, just end it.

Corbs? Are you suicidal? Zach stammered.

Maybe. Corbyn muttered. Tell me what to do. And dont tell the others.

Zach thought about what to do. I wont tell, but you need a counselor. Today.

Zach, Thats expensive. The band accounts. Corbyn muttered.

Come on. Lets go.

No! Zach leave me alone. I wont go! Corbyn screamed and shoved Zach to the floor.

Zach got to his feet and grabbed Corbyn. This is for your own good. Zach snapped and dragged Corbyn to the living room.

Zach, no. I cant. Corbyn screamed.

Jonah frowned. What the hell is going on? He asked worriedly.

Corbyn get in the damn car! Zach snapped. Now. Its for your own good.

Corbyn shoved Zach to the ground and ran out the door. Daniel helped Zach to his feet. Whats up with him?

Later. Zach said and ran after Corbyn.

Jack frowned when he heard Zach scream. Corbyn Besson get in the fucking car.

Several months passed and Corbyn had gone to counseling. Zach had kept his promise and had kept it a secret. Zach had spent many hours hugging Corbyn as he sobbed. He had picked up glass when Corbyn would throw them at the wall.

Finally, the concert came. After several minutes Corbyn began to feel angry. All his emotions came at him and he was shaking.

If all it is, is eight letters Corbyn began and started to cry.

Jack finished the lyrics. Why is it so hard to say?

Corbyn dropped his guitar and ran offstage as he ripped off his microphone. He ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. He screamed and pounded the wall. He pulled out his phone and connected it to the Bluetooth soundboard. Boys and limelights, Im sorry for everything. I cant do it anymore. No one is to blame. Zach, you tried your best, but now I know I cant do it. Im sorry. Goodbye. Corbyn said and poured pills into his mouth.

The crowd was screaming and sobbing. Zach raced offstage with Jonah. Daniel sank to the ground sobbing. Jack removed Daniels microphone. You need to breathe.

A gunshot sounded and Zach screamed. Corbyn! No! Oh my god! Corbs! Jonah screamed.

Daniel laid on the floor too weak to hold himself up. Jack wrapped his arms around his stomach sobbing as he sank to his knees. Oh Corbs.

Hes alive! Barely, but the medics say hes alive. Jonah sobbed as Zach ran to Jacks arms.

Zach sobbed into Jacks chest as Jonah crouched next to him and pulled Daniel into his arms. Daniels arms were wrapped around his stomach as he sobbed harder than he ever had. Jonah finally managed to speak. Corbyn has serious depression. He tried to kill himself tonight. The band will be taking a year off to help Corbyn get better. Well post on social media, but we wont be doing anything like making music, touring, meet and greets or anything.

Zach shakily picked up a microphone as he sobbed. I feel like this is my fault. Corbyn told me not to say anything to anyone. Maybe if we had all known none of this wouldve happened. He choked out and fell back into Jacks arms.

Its not your fault. You didnt do anything wrong. You cant blame yourself. Jonah whispered as Jack kissed Zachs cheek.

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