Chapter Two

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When Ryo left, Yenri didn't waste a moment. She stepped over towards the walls, placing one hand on them and raising the other hand in the air. Sparks flew upwards, briefly discoloring the wall if only for a moment. "Soundproofed." She returned to the couch, sitting down next to Flor. "I'm still unsure how I feel about couches, but you seem comfortable. How do you feel about sleeping here? Is it soft enough?"

Flor nodded. She enjoyed how warm the couch was.

Yenri smiled. "Wonderful. Have you found what you want?"

Flor shrugged. Truthfully, she hadn't been paying much attention to finding clothes.

Yenri nodded. "Alright." Taking the catalog, she selected several items, most of them before Flor could catch sight of what they were. Then, she tossed it on the short, squared-shaped kneeling table in front of them. In an instant, a box appeared. Flor jumped back and Yenri quickly put an arm around her to keep her stable. "Don't worry. It's what we ordered."

Yenri stood up and walked over towards the box, opening it effortlessly. Flor leaned in to get a good look at its contents. There was a stack of folded clothes, all underneath an orange tube full of pills. This was what Yenri took first, opening it up. "Cup your hands." Flor did as she was told. Then, she popped two out into Flor's hands. "These don't look particularly good, do they?" Flor shook her head. The pills were tiny, round, and mysterious.

Yenri waved her hand over the pills. In an instant, they transformed into a large, warm cookie. It was only a second before Flor had completely devoured it. She smiled, licking traces of chocolate chip off her teeth.

"I want you to try saying something."

Flor took a deep breath, butterflies in her stomach. " what is best to say ? " she whispered with a shrill, high-pitched voice. She covered her mouth with her hands. This wasn't her voice from when she was new and speaking with Toa. this one was a little higher, a little crisper, and much easier to control, even if a bit robotic sounding.

"Now you sound like Shinjidai Mirai," said Yenri, giving her a warm smile.

Flor begin to squeal in delight, and Yenri didn't stop her.

The sound of pouring liquid broke through the air from behind the couch. Yenri and Flor turned around to see who it was. It was Joe in the kitchen suite, pouring himself a martini. "So she's an Uta, now? Nice." Then, he proceeded to take a swig of the drink. "Don't let Ryo hear her or he'll have a fit." He chuckled. "You sure you soundproofed that wall?"

Yenri's eyes narrowed.

"Hey," he added, "The guy bothers me just as much as he bothers you; I'm just being pragmatic. I've had to live with him for years. Total jackass. Jobless. A bit of a slob. He used to be in the Ryonogun, y'know. Still eligible to go back whenever he wants. Can't decide if it's frustrating or just plain sad."

" you can drink liquid ? " asked Flor, still trying to get the hang of her new voice. She didn't know how she knew it, but there was something in her mind that found it strange for metal men to be drinking.

He laughed. "Clearly."

Yenri went over to the box. Lifting out two pieces of matching pajamas, she held them out towards Flor. "Hold your arms out." She did as she was told. Then, setting them down atop her arms, they began to glow and then disappear. In a moment, Flor was holding her red dress folded in front of her and was wearing the pajamas instead. Yenri took her folded dress from her and put it in the box. With a snap of her fingers, the box disappeared. "He shouldn't be smart enough to notice we purchased anything. It's our little secret, okay?" She winked.

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