Mannoroma: fine then but please don't think I am useless because I am not.

Everyone ignored mannoroma's talks and continued with what they were saying, even khushi and arnav were not interested in the conversation that was taking place.

Arjun: when are they coming back dadi?

Divyani: they did not specifically say when, but I think they will be arriving in somedays .

Akash: I can't wait to see papa and chacha.

Divyani: they will really be proud of you two and please don't disappoint us, I have seen my son arvind struggling especially after Raizada industries collapse and now he is doing great and he now wants to start his knew business venture here in India.

Arjun/akash: we won't disappoint you dadi.

Divyani: now let's stop discussing this and let's have breakfast, we still have a press conference to attend in the afternoon and make sure you look your best.

As they were all quietly eating breakfast arnav's phone rang and he pick it up and seeing the caller id he excused himself from the table so that he can speak to the person in private.

Phone conversation

Arnav: is everything ready?

Person: yes sir,  the documents have been signed and the deal is done, you just need to travel to Mumbai to look at the place and see if it will need any renovations.

Arnav: that's okay. I hope no one knows anything about it? I mean  you were discreet about it?

Person: no one knows that the company belongs to you sir and no one will suspect anything or know anything unless you want it to be known.

Arnav: that's all good and have you find out anything about my parents yet?

Person: I have not been able to find anything , but I am trying and it looks like everytime I get a lead someone goes ahead of me to hide the information and I think someone is ddeliberately trying to hide everything about your family.

Arnav: just try and find out anything about them and if they have any family that are still alive.

Person: I will arnav and remember you owe me.

Arnav: I know viren and don't forget we have been bestfriends since we were very small and I will surely take you to watch that cricket match you so want to watch and I haven't forgotten, by the way viren how is bhabi?

Viren: I will hold you to it and your bhabi is fine, she just went to the temple to pray for you and khushi bhabi.

Arnav: tell her we are fine and she should not stress herself in her condition.

Viren: I will and maybe you should call her and tell it to her yourself and you know she respect you more than anyone.

Arnav: I will surely do that.

Viren: arnav why didn't you tell aman anything about your other business venture, he is you pa and friend also

Arnav: you do know that his father and my father are bestfriends and I still need to find out which side he is on before I can fully trust him.

Viren: what of khushi, did you tell her anything?

Arnav: not yet but I will tell her soon and I was thinking of taking her to Mumbai with me.

Viren: that will be good and I think a change of environment will do her good, but you just need to fully trust her and I am sure she will support you as she has been doing since all this incident happened.

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