Day Two

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"Ct! How does it feel to get the dirt in your eyes this time!" I laugh

"Oh hush Bleu. You only won because you took advantage of my close range attacks."

He pauses


"Yes Bleu?"

"I'm sorry for earlier. It was rude of me. I just don't have the guts to take a leap like that. Not yet at least."

"It's okay. I understand."

"If your sure. Well, I'm exhausted. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Bleu."

"Goodnight CT"

I yawn and curl into bed.


My alarm goes off and I turn it off. I yawn and stretch out.

Today I'm going to make better. I'm going to do better. Be better today.

I quickly get dressed and head downstairs.

"Hey pumpkin. How did you sleep?" mom asks.

I think for a second "Pretty good. No dreams though and I woke up with determination to make this a good day"

"That's the spirit! I made breakfast" mom smiles kindly at me

"Breakfast. Mom you rarely make breakfast for me." I smile delight to have something mom made.

"Well, its your second day at school. Since you woke up in such a weird mood yesterday, I decided to make you breakfast today" mom explains.

"Well thank you mom!" I exclaim.

"Of course my little pumpkin" mom chuckles slightly.

After breakfast

I hurry outside. I took longer than I had wanted to eating, so I'm late leaving.

"Stay safe. I'll see you when you get back" mom explains.

"I will." I hurry off

Alphino's mom-

My phone rings as I shut the door. I check my phone. It's not a number I know...

I answer it.

"Hello? This is Ms. Brown speaking. How may I help you?"

"Ember ?" a males voice I vaguely remember.

"That is I. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" I ask.

"It's Mathew Moonstone . You should remember your husband." he explains.

"Why are you calling Mathew?" My tone goes hostile.

"I can't call to check up on our daughter?" Mathew sounds as though he is smiling.

"Alphino hasn't had anything to do with you. Why do you have any reason to call."

"I wondered if I could see her. I haven't seen her in years-"

"Is this about your curse? Because if so then stay away. She is showing signs of it already. I can't deal with your traits as well as hers."

"I just want to see are daughter. Ember, please. I want to be a part of her- part of both of your lives again."

"You can come over. But how you behave... I will decide to do from that."

Alphino Moonstone: Freshman YearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang