Chapter 20

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    Rina Akamine's third year of high school had been just as eventful as she had hoped it would be. As she walked to school, she had a smile on her face, her ponytail bobbing side to side as she moved her head slightly with each movement. It had been like this all year, she was always happy to begin her day, not exactly because of school itself, but because of what came after. As she continued her journey to her place of learning, she felt a tap on her shoulder as her best friend came into view.
"G-G-Good morning, Rina!" Suzu said, a smile on her face.
Suzu looked mostly the same as when the school year ended, but she had grown her hair out slightly and switched out her red glasses for sleeker blue ones.
"Hey Suzu." Rina said with a smile.
"It's a r-r-really pretty morning!" Suzu said, looking up at the sky.
"It is." Rina agreed, "You seem to be in a good mood. More than usual, I mean."
Suzu's face turned a bit pink and she looked down at the ground.
" is going to be sp-special." She said quietly.
"Special?" Rina smirked, thinking that she might have an idea of what Suzu meant, "Special how?"
"A-Anyway!" Suzu perked up quickly, "Did you d-do last night's h-homework?"
Rina stretched her arms and decided to allow her friend to change the subject.
"Of course. Masaru always lectures me when I forget, so I've been trying to stay on top of it." She said.
"I s-see." Suzu said with a nod, obviously not having any actual follow up for Rina's answer.
Luckily for her they were already approaching the school entrance, where a familiar small girl was waiting for them.
"Took you guys long enough!" Fuyuko said, crossing her arms, "You always come to school so slowly!"
Fuyuko also looked mostly the same as last year, though she had grown about an inch in height. She also had her hair in pigtails, something she had not decided to do until this very morning.
"What's with the pigtails?" Rina asked as she walked by Fuyuko.
"Don't play dumb!" Fuyuko said as she walked alongside them, pointing a finger dramatically at Rina, "Ever since Masu mentioned that he likes ponytails that time, you wear your hair in one every day!"
Rina felt her face heat up and averted her gaze.
"Well, that's..." She trailed off.
"I figure the only way to one up you in his eyes is to have two ponytails on my head!" Fuyuko said, pointing to each pigtail, "Making me double as desirable to him!"
"Well, your l-l-logic is sound, at least." Suzu said with a giggle.
Fuyuko gave a satisfied nod, seeming to think that Suzu was being serious.
"You guys are going to the college after school, right?" Fuyuko asked, "I'm coming too!"
Rina looked forward, smiling as she thought about going to see Masaru. She did just about every day, but it still made her heart flutter sometimes to think about it.
"S-Sounds like fun!" Suzu said with a warm smile.
It wasn't long after that when Suzu and Rina stopped in front of what was their new classroom, and they looked at Fuyuko.
"See you at lunch?" Rina asked.
"Yeah, yeah." Fuyuko said, "I'll be here."
With that, they parted ways.

Rina didn't have any problems with her new teacher, though it definitely was strange not having her old
one giving her lessons. There was also a feeling of distance with the new teacher, Miss Miyake had never been the friendliest, but Rina always felt as though she could go to her with anything. She found herself thinking about it for most of class, and before she knew it lunchtime had arrived. Suzu slid her desk over to Rina's, just as she always had, and opened her bento happily.
"Doesn't class seem more boring to you than it was last year?" Rina asked, opening her own bento.
"N-Not really." Suzu said, "I think it's j-j-just because you're eager to see Masaru."
"That might be it." Rina agreed with a nod.
Not long after she said that, the door opened and a familiar face walked through.
"Hello ladies!" Yua said with a wave, before sliding a desk over to them, "Is your class as boring as mine?"
Yua looked exactly the same as she always did, except that her hair had grown out a bit.
Rina nodded while Suzu smiled and sat up straighter.
"Y-Y-Yua!" Suzu said, "W-What a nice surprise."
"I would have thought being student council president would keep you too busy to visit us at all." Rina said, "But we've seen you a few times since school started. Are you shirking your duties?"
Rina narrowed her eyes at Yua while she chuckled and rubbed the back of her head.
"Yeah, well..." She began nervously, "It gets to be a bit much sometimes, so I try to take breaks every now and then."
"That's k-kind of irresponsible, Y-Yua." Suzu said with a disappointed frown.
Yua made a motion as though her heart had been pierced and made a dramatic sound.
"Don't give me that look Suzu!" She said, "I'll work hard, just for you!"
Just then a phone chime went off, and Yua checked her phone.
"Crap, I gotta go." She said, before giving them a wave, "See you around!"
Yua slid the desk back to it's proper place and left the room, sliding past Fuyuko as the small girl entered the room.
"You're running a bit late today." Rina pointed out.
"I know!" Fuyuko groaned, "I stopped by the bathroom on the way to class today, to make sure my pigtails looked ok. And I was late! Miss Miyake kept me behind to lecture me about it..."
"That sounds like her." Rina said with a smile of fond remembrance.
"I think your p-p-pigtails look very cute, Fuyo!" Suzu chimed in.
Fuyuko grinned a massive grin and sat down.
"Thanks! I do too." She said.
Rina laughed softly, and they spent the rest of lunch chatting and gossiping together, though Fuyuko was doing most of the gossiping.

When class was over, Suzu and Rina left the classroom together, and began to walk down the hall. Rina had a smile on her face, and gripped her school bag tightly.
"Excited to see your b-b-boyfriend?" Suzu asked playfully.
"Well, yeah." Rina said, puffing out her cheeks as her face began to warm up, "Don't pretend like you aren't thinking about seeing Katsuo!"
"W-Well, yeah..." Suzu said with a nervous laugh, "But that's d-different..."
"Different how?" Rina asked, looking over at her.
Despite appearing apprehensive, Suzu looked as though she was going to respond. But they were both caught off guard by a high pitched voice behind them.
"Hey!" Fuyuko called out, speeding after them, "Wait for me!"
Rina and Suzu slowed down a bit to allow her to catch up.
"You forgot about me!" Fuyuko said, pointing at both of them.
"W-We didn't!" Suzu insisted.
"We just knew you'd catch up." Rina said with a nod.
The three of them talked for a bit until they began to exit the school building.

"Why did you want to come with us today?" Rina asked, tilting her head at Fuyuko.
"Isn't it obvious?" Fuyuko asked, "To show Masu my cute new hairstyle! And if big brother gives me some praise, I won't mind too much either."
Rina and Suzu looked at each other and sighed.
"Your m-m-mind is always on the same thing, i-isn't it?" Suzu asked with a knowing smile.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Fuyuko asked.
"It's always either Masaru or Katsuo." Rina clarified with a similar smile.
Fuyuko looked between the two of them and pouted, likely feeling ganged up on.
"Well...I g-guess it's that way for all th-th-three of us!" Suzu said, "It's always one of th-them."
"I guess that's true." Rina said, putting a finger to her lower lip.
"What would those boys do without us?" Fuyuko asked, shaking her head.
"Who knows?" Rina asked with a shrug, and they all smiled at each other.
The college wasn't actually that far from their high school, and they found themselves at the campus in no time.

After a bit of walking, they came across three figures Rina had seen before. One girl with a regal air about her, one boy with the look of a delinquent, and one wearing a trench coat, appearing very stoic. The girl bowed to the other two, and walked away just before Rina and the others approached the boys.
"Big brother!" Fuyuko cried out, running over to the delinquent.
"Fuyo!" Katsuo said, putting his hand on her head, "You...surprised me."
Since his time in college, Katsuo had grown his hair out a bit more, with a bit of his light brown roots showing amongst the bleached blonde. He still had it perfectly slicked back however, and a bit of stubble was growing on his chin. Suzu approached the siblings, while Rina walked up to the other boy that was standing there. Masaru still wore the same expression he always had, though he also had some facial hair growing on his chin, and his upper lip as well. He still tried his best to slick his hair back, to no avail, and since he didn't wear a uniform anymore, he simply wore his trench coat over some normal clothes. His gaze turned to Rina when she walked up to him, and he put his hands into his pockets.
"Hello, Rina." He said simply.
"Aimi goes to this school?" Rina asked, tilting her head.
"Apparently." Masaru said, "I just ran into her for the first time, today. She's studying politics, if you can believe it."
"I can definitely believe it." Rina said, "I should say hi next time."
"Mm." He made a noise in response, and raised an eyebrow when he saw Fuyuko approaching him.
"Masu, what do you think of my new hairstyle?" She asked.
Masaru looked her up and down, and it was clear that at first he didn't even notice she had changed it.
"It's...cute." He concluded.
Fuyuko cooed, but then shook her head, and her expression began to look serious.
"Just cute?!" She said, "Not attractive, or sexy? When Rina showed up with a ponytail you got all speechless, but when I show up with something better you-"
"Calm down, Fuyo." Katsuo said, walking up and ruffling her hair.
Masaru averted his gaze, and Fuyuko scowled, but began to take some deep breaths.
Suzu walked up to the group and held her hand out.
"Um...why d-d-don't we sit down for a second?" She suggested, pointing at some nearby tables.
They all seemed to agree, and sat down at a table intended for four people. Masaru and Rina sat on one side, while Katsuo and Suzu sat on the other, with Fuyuko pulling up a chair on the side, in between Masaru and Katsuo.
"Did you do your homework?" Masaru asked, glancing over at Rina.
"Yes." Rina said, rolling her eyes, "What about you? Is criminal investigation going well?"
"About as well as can be expected." Masaru said, looking over at Fuyuko, "That reminds me. Any cases today?"
"Let me see." Fuyuko said, taking her phone out, "Oh, you did get one!"
Fuyuko slid her phone over to Masaru, and he took a look at it. Rina leaned over to get a look as well. On the top of the screen read "Fukuhara Detective Agency!", with instructions on how to mention what your case is, and what locations the agency was willing to work in.
"Wow, our new advertiser did a good job." Masaru said, glancing over at Suzu.
"Well, I t-t-tried my best!" Suzu replied, "It isn't as th-th-though we have a club to c-clean anymore..."
"Can I get some praise for being the one to make the website, at least?" Fuyuko asked, "As far as secretary work goes, I think I went above and beyond."
Masaru gave Fuyuko another head pat and picked up her phone, tapping the link on it.
Fuyuko cooed and lowered her head, and Katsuo rested his chin in his hand.
"Need my help with this one?" He asked.
"No." Masaru replied, shaking his head, "It seems pretty cut and dry. Someone keeps stealing a student's homework. They even go to this college."
"Why would anyone steal homework?" Rina asked.
"Probably to pass off as their own." Masaru said, "A simple erasing of the name on the sheet can mask it, provided they're thorough enough."
"D-Do you really think someone would d-d-do something like that?" Suzu asked with a concerned expression.
"It's possible." He replied, "We'll get to the bottom of it."
Suddenly a phone chime went off, and Fuyuko took out her phone.
"Oh! I have to go." She said, standing up.
"Where are you going?" Masaru asked, glancing over at her.
"I got a part time job, doing some modeling work." Fuyuko said.
"Modeling?!" Katsuo stood up, "What kind of modeling?"
"It's not what you're thinking, big brother!" Fuyuko insisted, "It's for magazine covers and stuff."
"People hire models with tiny bodies nowadays?" Rina asked with a smirk.
"Shut up!" Fuyuko said, "I'm desirable, and I'll prove it! I'll show you guys the covers, and you'll see."
Fuyuko gathered up her things and began to walk away, but before she did she turned around.
"By the way...Masu?" She said as she did so.
"Hm?" Masaru looked over at her.
Fuyuko smiled, a cute, very genuine smile, her pigtails moving slightly with the breeze of the wind.
"I love you." She said.
Masaru looked at her for a moment, then smirked.
"I know." He said, almost affectionately. With a cheeky smile, Fuyuko clutched the hem of her beloved's jacket, turned on her heels, and ran off.
The four of them were left alone after that, and Masaru looked across at Katsuo.
"Will you to be ok while we start on this case?" Masaru asked.
"Yeah." Katsuo said, "We, actually..."
Suzu fidgeted in her seat, and Rina leaned forward.
"You what?" Rina asked.
"W-Well..." Suzu rubbed her thighs together, "We...have a d-d-date."
Masaru and Rina looked at each other, then back to the two of them.
"I suppose it's a good thing that we don't need you, then." Masaru said, leaning back in his seat.
"Yeah." Katsuo said quietly.
"Then, does that mean you two are...?" Rina pointed between the two of them.
"N-No." Suzu said, "At least...n-not officially. This is us...seeing how we are t-t-together."
"I've seen how you are together." Rina said, "And it's very cute."
The two of them blushed, and Masaru waved his hand.
"Don't let us keep you." He said, "Have fun, we'll see you tomorrow."
The two of them stood up, Katsuo returned the seat Fuyuko had used to it's original spot, and Rina and Masaru stood as well. Katsuo looked at the two of them and smirked.
"Thanks...for being good friends." He said with a nod, before walking away.
Suzu followed him at first, but stopped once they were a few feet away and ran back to Masaru and Rina.
"B-Be careful, you two!" She said, taking each of their hands, "Y-Y-You're the only best friends, I have."
"We'll be fine." Rina said with a smile.
"You worry too much." Masaru said, putting a hand on Suzu's head.
Suzu frowned at first, but perked up after a few seconds.
"M-Maybe you're right." She said, "I'll see you g-g-guys."
Suzu gave them each a wave, adjusted her glasses, and walked over to Katsuo, who had been waiting for her.
"Have fun!" Rina said, waving after them.
Katsuo gave a wave from behind, and Suzu turned around, the sunlight shining around her body. But the light was no match for the brightness of her smile.
"Y-You too!" She shouted back, "And b-be sure to message me if M-M-Masaru finally makes a move!"
"Let's go, Suzu." Katsuo said, taking her hand and leading her off into the distance, but she continued to wave happily at Rina and Masaru until they were out of view. The two of them were left alone now, and after some silence Masaru glanced over at Rina.
"Let's get going." He said, and began to walk away.
Rina walked a bit quickly to catch up to him, as he walked into the school.

The college halls had a different feel to them than the ones at the high school, a more casual one than Rina was used to. She took Masaru's hand as they walked, and looked around at the classrooms as they passed.
"Everything's moving so fast." Rina said, "Fuyuko has a job, and Katsuo and Suzu are going on dates now!"
"I wouldn't say they're moving fast." Masaru replied, "It's all a matter of perspective."
"That's just like you to say, Masaru." She said with a frown, then shrugged, "But I guess change isn't exactly a bad thing."
"Everyone seems to be as happy as ever." He said, furrowing his brow slightly as though he was also trying to convince himself, "Isn't that enough?"
"It is." Rina said, taking his arm in hers, "It really is."
The two of them walked silently for a time, before Masaru looked at Rina for a moment.
"I love you." He said quickly and quietly, before turning his gaze back away.
Rina's face began to heat up, ever since he had started college Masaru had started being the one to say that first more often. She definitely didn't mind it, but she was caught off guard by it sometimes.
"I love you too." Rina said, smiling at him.
Masaru turned his face away, glancing into one of the classrooms they passed by.
"Have you thought about what you want to do when you graduate?" He asked.
"That's still months away!" She said, perhaps a bit too loudly, "Besides, isn't what I'm doing right here enough for now?"
"I suppose so." Masaru said, "I do need my assistant, after all."
Rina giggled, and went back to simply holding Masaru's hand.
"It makes me really happy to hear you say that." Rina said, "Whatever happens in the future, I'll always be happy that I was your assistant."
"Me too." He said quietly, " long as I live."
Rina felt a fluttering in her chest again, and lightly put a hand over it. Her skin tingled, and finally she felt like she'd had the life she always longed for. Suddenly Masaru stopped walking, and looked over at a door, letting go of Rina's hand.
"This should be it." He said, and Rina stopped as well.
Rina stared at the door, and smiled to herself. Her entire life was on the other side of that door, the future before her that she had chosen for herself. It made her even happier to know that Masaru was by her side, ready to go to the other side with her. She took her hand off of her chest, and clenched it tightly, ready to face whatever they might have to. Masaru took a box out of his pocket, and put a strawberry pocky stick into his mouth.
"Want one?" He asked, holding the box out to her.
"Sure." Rina said, taking a bite out of the one she took.
She found that she had taken a liking to his new pocky sticks. Masaru put his hand on the knob, and glanced over at her.
"You ready?" He asked.
Rina looked over at him, her blue eyes staring into the warmth of his light brown ones, a sight she had seen many a time before, and would see many a time after.
"Yeah." She said with a nod.
And with that, Masaru opened the door, and they stepped inside.

The End

Solving Cases is My Daily Life Now: Volume 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora