Chapter 18

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    Rina did not end up going to school the next day, a fact that was made apparent to Masaru when he walked into her classroom at lunchtime to see that Suzu was there by herself. He wasn't exactly surprised, she always had a tendency to stay home when she was feeling overly stressed. He did find the fact that he was the cause a little unsettling, despite his attempts to rationalize it in any way. As it stood, he pulled up his usual seat and sat down across from Suzu.
"M-Masaru!" Suzu perked up, apparently not having noticed him until he sat down.
"Hey." Masaru replied as casually as he could.
He narrowed his eyes to get a better look at Suzu, it seemed she was bothered by something. When he thought more about it, it occurred to him that the reason was probably Rina. Before meeting the rest of the club, other's emotions had never bothered Masaru very much. But as time went on with Rina, he found himself to be more attuned to other's feelings, if only just a little bit. He sighed, it wasn't enough to stop him from hurting Rina though.
"Rina isn't here today?" He asked, despite already knowing the answer.
"N-No..." Suzu said quietly, "She hasn't replied to my m-m-messages, either."
"I see." Masaru said, staring down at his desk.
It was funny, he had gone without lunch before, but suddenly he was feeling rather hungry.
"D-Do you want some of my l-l-lunch?" Suzu asked, holding out her bento.
Masaru looked over at her for a moment, it was just like Suzu to be thinking of him, even in this moment.
"I'm fine." He said, shaking his head lightly.
"But I know that R-Rina usually makes you lunch." Suzu said, "You must be h-h-hungry!"
"I can deal with it." Masaru said in a dull tone, "Perhaps this is my penance."
"That's r-r-ridiculous." She said with a smile, "Even if you're j-j-joking!"
"...I guess I'll have some, then." He conceded.
It was no use arguing with Suzu once she set her mind to something.
She handed him her chopsticks and he took a bite, and then another. He handed them back to her, and the door opened shortly after that with Fuyuko and Katsuo entering the room.
"Masuuu!" Fuyuko pulled up a chair and grabbed his arm, "Are you ok?! Are you sad? I'm here for you!"
"I'm fine." Masaru said in a dull tone, pulling his arm away from her.
No matter what, Fuyuko would always be exhausting to deal with...
"You look fine to me." Katsuo growled as he sat down, "Almost TOO fine. And where's Rina?"
"Most likely at home." Masaru guessed.
"Y-You should go to her!" Suzu said, "Make a b-b-big gesture, she'd never expect it!"
"Then I would miss the exam, and have to make it up." Masaru argued, "Something Rina is definitely going to have to do."
"That's exactly why she wouldn't expect it." Katsuo said, "Because it's so irrational."
Masaru sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Couldn't she just come to school, so I can explain myself?" He asked no one in particular.
"A girl's heart works in mysterious ways, Masu." Fuyuko said, "I'll bet it's too hard for her to face you!"
"Then how am I even going to get a chance?" Masaru asked, growing irritated at the idea.
"You're the ideas guy, and you got yourself into this mess." Katsuo said, "Figure it out yourself."
Masaru crossed his arms, he knew that Katsuo was right. He needed to think of something he would be able to do in order to at least get a chance to talk to Rina. He remained silent for the rest of lunch, inside of his own head as the others made small talk. When it was over, Fuyuko and Katsuo left, but when he tried to leave he felt a tug on his trench coat.
"M-M-Masaru?" Suzu asked, holding onto it.
"Hm?" Masaru put his hands in his pockets and turned around.
"I know the...c-c-club is disbanded, but could we meet in the club r-room after school, just for a second?" She asked.
Masaru looked her up and down. Going back to that room hadn't been on his agenda, but for some reason he always found himself unable to say no to Suzu.
"Fine." He said, putting his hand on her head, "I'll see you there."
Suzu smiled warmly, and Masaru felt a brief instance of that warmth within him. It was almost too much, so he took his hand off of her and left the room quickly.

    As Masaru walked down the hallway alone, he focused on nothing more than the goal before him. He ignored everyone around him, though took care not to bump into anyone. What could he do to get Rina in front of him? At this point it likely wouldn't work to simply walk up to her and apologize. Or would it? For the first time in a while, Masaru found himself feeling unsure. As he entered his classroom, he didn't have any more of a plan than when he started thinking.

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