Part I

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Castiel was always fascinated by the idea of other lands that acted completely differently from his own. Despite the ability to learn without going there due to his status, he wanted to see it first hand and learn all he could.

So, with the permission of his parents, he had decided to go on a year long trip to a different country and kingdom, which was just far enough not to border their own. Despite Cas taking a guard set and agreeing to live in the palace while there, his parents were worried sick. Being royalty meant that he constantly had a target on his back, and he would be far out of their protections. On the day of his departure, his mother cried as the servants loaded the car.

"Oh, do you have to go, Castiel?" She cried, and he held her gently.

"Mother, I can only make a good ruler if I know the ways of those around me," he said, and she nodded and sniffled. His father drew her to him.

"It's good to see you so responsible, Castiel. I have no fears about leaving this land to you when I'm gone," he said, and Cas smiled.

Gabriel, his younger brother, came in for a hug, whispering in his ear as he did.

"If you do anything crazy or stupid, I want pictures right then," he joked, and Cas laughed.

   "Of course, brother. Who do you think I am?" He answered, ruffling Gabe's hair.

At that moment, the driver called for him, waiting patiently for him to look before continuing.

"It's all prepared, your highness," he said, holding the car door. Cas hugged his parents and brother one more time before getting into the car. The driver shut the door behind him, and Cas settled in, putting his headphones on and letting his music play on shuffle.

Cas had always wondered about the world, whether it be history, culture, language, or more. He had loved learning about the Third World War and how it affected the world. He'd loved learning about how the world had fallen into relative peace since then, and it was a relief to him to learn it, anyway, since he'd be leading one day. No one wants to be the one blamed for conflict, but they do want to be someone seen for rebuilding the chaos.

As the car drove on, heading to the airport for the private plane, Cas got lost in his head with thoughts of the past world. A world before they had to preserve everything living that they could find, a world before they'd had to work hard to protect the little plant and animal life they had. It had gotten better since the war, but there still wasn't nearly enough of everything to stop worrying.

   Before Cas knew it, they'd arrived at the airport. The driver opened the door for him, nodding, as a guard grabbed his bag. Immediately, his guards completely flanked him. His guards hustled him in, keeping people away so he could get on the plane without hassle. He waved at them as they passed. Cas had always loved people, especially his own.

   Within ten minutes of walking through the airport and being hustled through security, he was on the royal plane, equipped with several seats the size of beds that could recline as far as was desired. It had been built for comfort, since it was exclusively for the royal family and any guests they may have.

   Settling into a seat and tugging on a blanket, Cas reclined it fully and stared up at the ceiling, listening to his music yet again. Even with a plane, the trip would be six hours. Sighing, he lost himself in thoughts of what adventures he'd have in his year abroad, and he chased those thoughts right into a hopeful sleep.

When he woke, there were still a few hours until he would arrive. Wanting to kill some time, he decided to watch a movie and research who all was in the royal family that would be meeting him at the airport. It was a family just like his own, actually, with the King and Queen and their two sons, Dean and Samuel. Dean was around his age, while Sam was just a bit older than Gabe. It seemed that he would fit well with the two, if they were anything like him at all.

In what seemed like minutes, the plane was touching down. The guards grabbed his luggage and dragged it out as he stood, stretching. He walked out, ruffling his hair with a hand. The trip had been long, but now, it was time for the fun part of the trip. Getting to know the people and then eventually, their culture.

As soon as he stepped from the plane, he could tell where he was going by the crowd surrounding the family. They had guards separating them from the crowds, but they were near them, regardless.

The crowd parted as Cas's guards moved people from their way, and Cas almost stopped dead.

One of the sons was gorgeous. Like, drool-worthy. He wasn't sure which one yet, but no one on the internet had bothered to mention it. He managed to keep himself composed and walk to meet them.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you, Castiel," the king said, shaking his hand. "It's incredible to see such a young one take an interest in foreign relations and culture so strongly."

Cas smiled, nodding back. "Oh, I've always loved to experience other cultures and learn. It's one of the things that I pride myself on."

He shook the queen's hand, then turning to the sons. Deciding to introduce himself to the one he was almost fainting looking at last, he turned to the other brother, smiling happily and extending a hand.

"Castiel," he said, shaking the brother's hand. He was rather tall, and his hair was longer, but the look wasn't bad.

"Sam," the prince replied with a smile like sunshine. The genetics had not failed this family. "It's nice to meet you."

   "Nice to meet you as well, Sam," Cas said, genuinely meaning it. Sam seemed like someone Castiel could attach to with ease.

However, in Castiel's humble opinion, he didn't hold a candle to his brother Dean. Cas turned to him, and it was all he could do not to gape. He simply stuck his hand out, hoping this one, which must be Dean, would introduce himself. Dean shook his hand firmly, a small smile on his face.

"Dean," he said, his voice smooth and low. Cas had to stop himself from swooning. He was being dramatic and he knew it, but how was he supposed to help that he'd just met the hottest guy he'd ever seen? Realizing that he'd been staring, he glanced away from Dean quickly, clearing his throat slightly. Way to go, Cas, that didn't seem creep-like at all.

   Luckily for him, no one had seemed to notice. The queen put her arm in her husband's, turning to the boys.

"Well, Castiel, we are incredibly glad to host you. Let's get back to the palace and get you set up in a room," the queen said politely. Cas smiled at her gratefully for getting him out of this situation, and the group went off through the throngs of people.

   Cas's guards handed off his bags, getting into their own vehicle behind the one the royals were in. Cas slid into the backseat as the door was closed behind him.

As he settled into the car that would be taking them to the palace, Cas found that his thoughts of culture had currently flown out the window. He'd have to catch them later, he supposed. But right now?

Right now, the only thing occupying his mind was Dean Winchester. This could be bad for him. In fact, he knew it would be.

   Damn Dean, that attractive bitch. He was going to make this far more difficult than anticipated.


Is it ten pm? Yup. Do I have school tomorrow? You guessed it, I do. Should I be I bed? Honestly probably, but here's this monstrosity instead gang

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