"The routes being?" I ask, already knowing it's probably between surgery and taking whatever chance that it is that the joint will just heal itself with the aid of a sling. 

Dr.Collins lets a breath out of his nose, a soft smile on his face, "Surgical or non-surgical. There are different benefits to both in their own right. Full recovery through the surgical route would be achieved in four to six months, short of any complications. Without surgery, the recovery is about three to four months not quite achieving the same functionality at that time." 

"So," I start, "Essentially what you're saying is that Surgery is probably the best and quickest option to getting me back to the functionality I had two days ago?" 

"Yes and no," Dr.collins replies, "Given the discipline, you displayed with your Achilles, I have no doubt that you can get back to full functionality with either route, it's just a matter of the timeframe you want to look at. Full functionality the non-surgical route often does take longer than the surgical route. However, with the non-surgical route, you'd be cleared to do more sooner." 

"Even though it's sooner, it wouldn't be at the same level as before for a while, potentially ever, right?" I ask, trying to confirm in less verbiage. Dr.Collins nods, confirming my statement giving me a lot more to think about now than I'd had before. In theory, if I opted for the non-surgical route, I could finish out the last two, or three weeks of my season. Do I bank on that theory though? Let alone the idea of full functionality in some time rather than the near certainty that Dr.Collins has through the surgical route. 

"Why don't we get that MRI before your think too much about it?" Dr.Collins suggests, giving me a small smile as he stands, ready to lead the way. I suppose I shouldn't stress over the two different scenarios before I know if they're even the two I've got to stress over. 

Based on the information that's been presented to me, the surgical route seems like it's a no-brainer. Even though I'd be able to have some level of functionality sooner without the surgery, there's no guarantee that I'd be able to gain full functionality. With the surgery, while I'm sure that there are any number of complications that can come with it, Dr.Collins seems confident that I'd have my full functionality in four months, give or take. He's got my full trust after how smooth everything had gone with my Achillies, short of a conversation with my husband, there's almost no question in my mind of which option is the best for me. 

After some light jeering from Tyler about how not even I can make this sling look cool, we make our way back out to his car, ready to get me home for the first time in three months. Neither one of us has a ton to say, the knowledge of what my next few weeks look like looming in the air. Tyler seems to feed off of my anxieties more than anything, seemingly unsure of what to say ever since I let him know the general rundown of everything. 

When we get into Christian and My house, I flick the lights on, setting down the pizza boxes that Tyler and I picked up on the way here. Today apparently isn't a day to worry about what I'm eating. 

"Hey, Ty, would you mind taking my bag upstairs," I ask, noticing the notification that Christian's game ended is about half an hour old. 

Scoffing, Tyler laughs, taking my bag, "All the money in the world and you don't just splurge on an elevator." 

"Ass," I comment, shooting him a look a small smile on my face as he heads towards the stairs. 

Opening my phone, I head into my recent calls and click on Christian's name near the top of the list. Holding my phone in front of me, I listen to the facetime tone, waiting to see my husband's face from across the line. 

"Hey," He says before quickly adding, "Give me two seconds." There's a little commotion on the other end, I'm sure his teammates still reeling from another solid win. My timing is pretty much just when most of the media would be clearing out. I'm guessing there's still a lot going on on his end, but I also figure he'd like to know what's going on before he got back at god only knows what time tonight. 

Waiting patiently, I listen to the few muffled conversations, not paying too much mind to anything being said until things quiet down a little along with the sound of a door latching. "Hey, sorry about that," He says, smiling at me, "The sling is a nice addition." 

"You're already married," Tyler interjects, making me jump not realizing he'd be back down, "No need to lie to her. I already told her not even she can make a sling look cool." 

Christian scoffs, shaking his head as that contagious smile spreads across his face. "Well, I didn't say it." 

"Alright, lets everybody make fun of the injured," I reply, rolling my eyes. 

"You saw Dr.Collins already, right?" Christian confirms as I nod, "So? What's the game plan?" 

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," I say, sighing a little. My decision has already been made up for the most part, short of Christian having some issue with it, I don't see why it wouldn't be the best option. "Basically, it's a grade three tear. While it's not great, it's not the worst that it could be." 

"Okay," Christian says, nodding along as he follows what I'm saying.

"Dr.Collins said that I can either go the surgical route or the non-surgical route. With the surgical route, I'd be back to full function in four to six months."

"Okay," Christian adds again.

"Non-surgical would give me functionality in about eight to twelve weeks. The catch being, there's no telling if or when I'd be able to get back to how my shoulder was two days ago." 

"Right," Christian says, pensive a moment as he takes in the options I've just laid out. "What kind of functionality are you looking at if you don't opt for the surgery?"

"I'm not sure, I guess it depends on every case," I explain, "Dr.Collins mentioned the way mine tore it'd be more annoying than anything long term, some clicking with rotation and potentially a limited range of motion. He did say I'd be able to throw in about eight weeks if I went that route." 

"At that point, you'd have what, two, three weeks left of your season?" Christian asks, his brow furrowed slightly. Based on that comment, he's got the same thought process as I did. On one hand, I could finish this season, and nab another gold medal, while on the other I'd be risking ever getting back to where I was two days ago. "What are you thinking?" he asks me, "I think I know the option that makes the most sense, but it's your choice more than anything." 

"Obviously," I reply, chuckling a little, "I was just looking to see what your opinion was. You are my husband, after all, this doesn't feel like a decision that I only have to consider myself in anymore." 

Christian has a chuckle of his own as he nods, "I mean, I'd say that full functionality should be the goal, not just an okay enough. You're a world-class athlete, arguably the greatest athlete on the planet, why cut corners to cling to one extra week?" 

"And that's where I'm at too," I agree, "I'm going to be a little sad to miss out on another gold medal though." His laugh makes me smile as he nods, both of us seeming to agree that the surgery is probably the best option. Now all that's left to do is go over the semantics of it all.

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