26. The Truth

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"Just tell them the truth, Type, please." His mother said as they sat on the bed.

He had asked Techno to go home, but now wished he didn't. He needed someone to comfort him.

"Where's Tharn? I need Tharn." He said.

His mother looked down. "He's not here, baby. But, he did want me to give you this." She said, handing him a small letter. "Now, please, tell them the truth."

"How old were you when Max started touching you?" The first officer asked.

Type cleared his throat. "Seven."

"How long did he touch you for?"

"A little over a year." He answered honestly.

Type's mother looked down. She felt so horrible with herself for not helping him before.

"We need to know everything about what happened between you two. We have reason to believe that he is doing the same thing that he did to you to children from the youth center he runs." The second officer told him.

Type cleared his throat. "It started off slowly. He would just touch me a little to much at first. I didn't think anything of it. One night, while everyone was gone, he climbed into bed with me." He paused, holding back a few tears. "He started off by touching my chest before moving his hands farther down until they were in my pants. At first, I tried to push him away but he got aggressive and he was strong and bigger than me. He didn't too all the way that night, b-but he made me t-touch him." He admitted. His mother rubbed his arms up and down before he continued. "He told me that it was a good secret, like when he would buy me ice cream before bed. He didn't do it every night, but it became a pattern. Every night he would buy me ice cream, he would climb into bed with me. After a few months, he went all the way. He told me that I was his good boy and that he likes his good boy to be clean or he would get angry." He let out a shaky breath and turned to his mother. "I'm sorry."

"Oh my god. That's why you had me give you a bath every time?" She questioned.

He nodded slowly, tears falling from his cheeks.

"What happened after?" The police officer asked, making him continue.

"He would "teach" me how to pleasure him. If I didn't get it right, he would be rougher the next time."

"Type," One of the officers kneeled down in front of him. "We will put him away."

The officers asked a few more questions before leaving. Type cried in his mother's arms before opening the letter Tharn gave him, reading it.

In it, Tharn told Type his reasons for going to the police about it. He told him he was sorry and why he left.

Type ripped the paper up and threw it in the trash. "God. What the fuck is wrong with him?"

He pulled out his phone and dialed his number. He answered after three rings.


"Where are you?"

"Look, I kn-"

"Where are you?"

"The sushi restaurant near the dorm. Please, Type. I know I betrayed your trust, but please."

"I'll be there in ten." Type said before hanging up.

"Type, please. Don't be angry at him. He loves you." His mother said, trying her best to stop him.

Type looked at his mother for a few seconds before turning away and leaving.

Tharn was sitting outside the restaurant, waiting for Type to arrive. When he did, Tharn stood quickly.

"I hate you." Was the first thing Type said.

Tharn cleared his throat and nodded. "I know."

"No. You don't. I hate you. Not because you went to the police, but because you weren't there. You left me when I needed you. You left to tell that story over again." Type said, gesturing angrily.

"You had your mother."

"She's not you. I needed you. Screw that fucked up letter. You're leaving me?" Type asked with a laugh. "Not a fucking chance. You told me to give you a chance. You told me that you were going to be there for me when I needed you, but you lied. And that's why I'm angry with you. I love you. I gave myself to you. I showed you parts of me that I've never showed anyone. So, you better think of a better fucking excuse than this, cause you're stuck with me now." He said, throwing his hands to his side. "So, you better come over here, right now, and hold me before I cut your balls off."

Tharn gave him a small smile before walking over to him, wrapping arms tightly around his waist.

Type let out a breath and wrapped his arms around Tharn's neck just as tight.

"I'm sorry."

"And I'm serious. You ever try that stupid shit again and I'll really murder you." Type said sternly.

Tharn laughed and nodded into Type neck. "I'll never leave you again."


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