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"Oi! Tharn. You're roommate is so cute." One of the girls in his class gushed beside him.

"I heard he is a football player. That means he has an amazing body." Another said just as gushy.

Tharn sighed and leaned back in his seat. "You think I don't know? I see him everyday."

Both girls made a side eye at him and pursed their lips. "We know and we are so jealous." They pouted.

The teacher walked in, answering Tharn's prayers, and began the lesson.

He listened to as much as he could before ultimately falling asleep halfway through.

Long, his best friend, pushed his arm out from under his chin, making his head fall, waking him up.

"You can't keep falling asleep like that." Long said as they gathered their things.

"I don't see the problem. She sends the slides out after class. I just take notes from then and copy yours. I have perfect marks." Tharn said shrugging.

Long sighed and shook his head as they walked to the canteen.

After two more long hours, Tharn was back in his dorm, sitting flopping down on his bed as Type followed soon after.

He threw his bag on his bed and rolled his eyes as they met with Tharn's.

"Keep doing that and your eyes might roll out of your head." Tharn commented.

Type only rolled his eyes more. "Maybe if you were straight I wouldn't have to roll my eyes."

"Straight?" Tharn asked confused. He stood up and made his way towards Type. "Never heard of her." He said before slipping into the bathroom.

Type only rolled his eyes again and let out a small growl.

He hated having to sleep in the same room, breath the same air, walk on the same earth as Tharn. It annoyed him. Tharn annoyed him.

He blamed his bother for his current situation. If he wouldn't have left him before the school year started, Type would still be living with him and not this gay asshole.

He grabbed his homework out of his bag and put headphones in as he began to work, ignoring Tharn when he exited the bathroom.

Tharn smirked at the sight. Thinking of how different they were. They were nothing alike. Type was hateful and Tharn loved to tease that part of him. He, on the other hand, was nice and gentle.

Where did God go wrong?

Tharn sighed and laid down on his bed, facing the window as he grabbed his phone to text Long.

He had been begging Tharn to go out to a bar with him, but Tharn kept refusing. Maybe of he went, he'd meet a guy and would bring him back to the dorm. That would get on Types nerves more than anything.

They had only been living together for a month and Tharn already made it in his best interest to annoy Type, and it was working.

Once Tharn heard back from Long, he jumped up and got dressed.

Even though Type hated himself for it, he was a little curious as to where Tharn was going. He wouldn't dare ask though. He knew Tharn would make some snide comment and Type would flip him off. It was almost routine now.

Tharn left the dorm without any word to Type and made his way downstairs to wait for Long.

Once Long arrived, they were off to the club.

Long and Tharn had been best friends since before high school. They did everything together, and are now going to the same college, studying the same major. They were inseparable.

Long knew everything about Tharn, and vice versa. So, Long knew that when Tharn and Type fought, it was out of love.

When they arrived at the bar, it was packed. There were sweaty bodies gyrating against one another. Hands coming out from all different sides of the crowd. This was Tharn's kind of place.

He made his way to the bar and greeted the bartender who he was close with. Then, made his way up to the DJ booth and greeted the DJ.

The only reason he knew everyone was because he would sometimes come in on the weekends and DJ for extra cash.

After he was done saying hi, he and Long made their way to the bar to get a few shot and then to the dance floor.

Long was dancing with some girl who had just randomly grabbed him. He wasn't that into it, but took pity because she was drunk and didn't want anyone to take advantage of her.

Tharn, on the other hand, was having the time of his life.

In front of him was a small boy, a twink if you will. He was swaying his hips along with Tharn's. His ass rubbing firmly against Tharn's manhood. Behind him was another boy about the same size. He was running his hands all around Tharn's body as his hips swayed as well.

Tharn felt like he was defiantly going to take one of them home tonight. Maybe both. He wasn't a hoe, though. He just liked to have a good time.

If felt like the music was never ending. The songs went straight to the next, no stopping in between. And, there was no way to tell how long you had been there. So, when Tharn checked his phone for the time, he was surprised that it was already almost one in the morning.

Tharn informed the pouting boys that he would be leaving soon. The boys held onto his side as he sat at the bar.

Tharn didn't mind twinks, but he would prefer a man who had a good body. A man who could possibly take him. A man like Type.

He scolded himself for thinking that and wrapped his arms around the boys shoulders.

He needed to take his mind of things.

He informed Long that he was leaving and would get home by himself, smirking when Long raised his eyebrows at the two boys by his side.

Long rolled his eyes as he watched Tharn leave, knowing what he would look like tomorrow.

After leaving the club, he had learned both boys names. Red and Shen. Red and Tharn were both seductively invited to Shen's and jumped at the offer.

After making it to Shen's apartment, you couldn't even count the seconds until they were all undressed on the bed.

Shen underneath Tharn and Red sat beside them, feeling their intertwining bodies.

Tharn went in for a kiss, prying Shen's lips open with his tongue, feeling and exploring every part of the other boys mouth.

Type. His mind whispered to him. He pulled back from Shen, staring down at him.

"What's wrong?"

He couldn't answer though. All he could think of was....Type?


Thoughts on the first chapter?

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