the brunette nods. "i'm not much of a singer though. i have all these ideas and songs but i just need the people."

"i can sing.", the server states. some kind of light shines and twinkles in the brunette's eyes, he faces the raven with a smile. "i can join your band if you want. maybe help you find some people to join or we can just be a duo?"

"really?!", he exclaims, his eyes practically sparkling. "that would be amazing!! thank you so mu-"

hazelnut brown meets chocolate brown eyes.

something electrifying courses through their heads, it bubbles in their veins as a flow of warmth makes their body tingle. it stings them as flashes of black and white memories hit them like a speeding trucks.

ryan holds his head with his hand, his eyes widen as he continues to stare at the male in front of him. images of the young server and another male in an ivory prince like jacket alternates between this reality and past which was starting to hurt his head.

as the pieces began to come together, he looks down as flashes of the present and the past began to flicker. he was seeing himself and himself in someone else's perspective. from what ryan could make out, he was in some sort of ballgown and he was dancing with the flashes of the server's alter ego.

then a flashback hits ryan and from how the server was reacting, he must've felt and seen the flashes too.

it was as if they were teleported into some sort of frozen state, reenacting past events of two people they didn't know.

the brunette's vision was blurry for the most part but he was able to make out bits of what was happening.

the fancy ballroom full of elegent dancing guests.

the prince luring him into the crowd and the knife that was hidden in his ballgown.

the magical slow dance that they shared.

ryan lets out a scream of agony, the server does the same as he drops onto his knees. soon enough, they were both terrified and out of breath as the feeling pain continues to rush through the veins. the blood was being sent to their brain, triggering more forbidden memories that should've been kept locked away.

nobody in the cafe saw the scene happen. it was as if the two were frozen in time, experiencing some sort of trauma within that moment.

the reveal and the betrayal.

a death of a woman.

the guns in his hands.

the handsome prince in front of him.

the exchanging of words.

'i love you.'

'i love you too.'

the sounds of two shots were fired.

the sound of the trigger pulling echoes and rings in his ears, he was then brought back to his own reality and the server was staring blankly at him.

the server drops the tray, it makes the sound of a clang as the raven hesitantly reaches his hand out. ryan holds out his hand, placing it against his as their fingers slowly locked together as if they were meant to be.



the raven smiles, it was a small and warming smile that gave ryan a bit of deja-vu. he shakes his head, pulling and embracing ryan in for a hug.

ryan hugs him back, wrapping his arms around the raven as he nuzzles into his shoulder. him being in brendon's arms was all that he needed to feel whole once more.

"we'll find each other in another life and live together. we may not recognize each other but our love will live on forever.", ryan recites. brendon pulls away from the brunette, nodding as tears of joy water in his eyes.

"i've finally found you ry'. i've found what i was missing and that was you.", brendon says, pulling ryan onto his feet as the brunette blushes. "i've been having these dreams, exactly like the things we just saw and.. i think it was telling me that our time was coming."

"m-me too..", ryan confesses, his cheeks turn a darker shade of pink as he glances from his hands in brendon's then back to his adorable dorky face. "i've been feeling quite alone when i had those dreams, as if i was missing something.. brendon, you're the first, the last and my everything."

"quoting barry white? that's sick.", brendon sneaks in a subtle wink and ryan could only blush some more.

thanks to the music, the mood in the cafe changes as some couples begin to start slow dancing. brendon and ryan exchange glances, looking at the ensemble as the frontman beams them a smile.

"would you like to dance?", brendon asks as he extends a hand out towards him.

"gladly.", ryan replies, taking his hand as the raven pulls the shorter into his arms.

the two dance, some of the girls stealing glances from the server as the flustered brunette smiles and enjoys the moment. brendon then twirls ryan around before pulling him back and dipping him low to the ground, his hand supporting ryan's back.

brendon gazes at the beauty in front of him, bringing him back into his arms as ryan wraps his arms around his neck.

"i love you bren'."

"i love you too ry'."

the taller leans in, stealing a kiss from ryan. he blushes as a smile crawls onto his face, the costumers 'aww' at the sight and cheer them on.

brendon urie and ryan ross lived happily ever after.

the end.

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