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the prince sits in the throne, releasing a yawn. slow but beautiful, elegant music was being played by the small ensemble of musicians with a perfect pyramid balance. he adjusts his position, shifting his body upwards in his seat.

he forces a smile as each young female curtsies, bobbing their head with an over-excited grin on their plastered face.

one by one, he tries his best to show interest in them then sends them away, back to the lower level of where the actual ball took place.

two flights of stairs seem like it took an awful lot of energy.

the energy level of this 'royal ball' was below -10, it was boring and way too formal for the male. tonight's theme was a masquerade party where you'd have to have a mask to disguise yourself before revealing your true colours to your partner.

the element of surprise bores brendon that the thought of it makes him want to die. the act and sound of a balloon deflating was literally how he was feeling, he was showing no interest at all and would rather be free like he was before.

"my son, we held this ball for you to find the perfect lady to wed.", the old king says. the next-in-line king rolls his eyes, he rises from his seat, dusting his milky sleeves and walks to the ledge.  he watches all the guests chitter with smiles on their face, others dancing as harmony and melody plays.

"father, i don't wish to propose to someone by your command or by force.", the prince snaps, staring at the large doors of the exit. "i want to do it out of true love."

"brendon, you're eighteen. it's time for you to run this kingdom.", the king sighs as he walks to where the prince was standing, placing a hand on his shoulder. "i'm becoming too old and i'm no longer fit the standards for being a ruler."

brendon immediately shifts back, flinging his father's hand away.

"yes, i know.. but i want to marry someone i love, not someone i just met!", he retorts, slamming his fists against the surface of the golden ledge. "i fell in love once when i was fifteen.. then you took me away from him with no explanation! you don't understand how it feels!"

"brendon, please hear me out. no one in this realm would be satisfied nor would they approve of you marrying a boy.", his majesty tries to reason, reaching out for the male's shoulder once more. "i did it for your own good."

"more like for your own selfish needs!", he bursts, slapping his father's hand. " i loved him father, more than anything in the universe. you can't cure homophobia, love is not a choice. what kind of father would you be if you didn't grant your son the freedom he wants?"

brendon sighs and turns away as he storms down the stairs. he hears his name being yelled repeatedly but the voice fades once he's down in the ballroom.

classical music fills his head but it didn't clear his enraged thoughts. his mind was bursting with joyful memories and flashes of his former friend's smile. brendon wanted to go back in time, just to see his friend once more and to hold him tight, embrace the moment like he had before.

he flounces through the room. all the young ladies continue to waltz with their dancing partner, secretly stealing glances at the prince. they twirl and their hands intertwine once more with their masked waltzing comrade.

brendon walks through the field of partners, some lovers and some who danced as friends. many of the bystanders held their stare at the prince. they all step aside, clearing a pathway for him as the raven reaches his destination.

the exit.

the two guards in blue uniform held their spears, dropping it to their sides. they step away from their post and open the doors.

"thank you.", brendon says as the guards respond with a slight nod. he pauses midway and turns back. "please do inform my father not to worry about me, as i've gone out to catch my breath."

"yes your highness.", the male on the left responds.

brendon mumbles another "thank you" as he hustles out of the dance hall.

the sky was a midnight blue, the stars dazzle brightly causing the prince to smile. he remembers stargazing with his friend as they laughed at all of the possible outcomes of what the stars formed.

the prince walks down the staircase which was decored with dimly lit candles. he exhales as he sits on one of the steps, allowing the darkness of the night to swallow him whole.

"i'm brendon boyd urie, the prince of this good for nothing kingdom. i'm eighteen and i'm being forced to find someone to marry..", the raven whispers to himself. "i want to do it out of love. you can't just marry someone you just met.. love just doesn't work that way.."

he lets out a sigh, gazing into the night sky and admiring the stars like he had done a few years back.

"i just wish to be free."

footsteps. he hears footsteps. they were soft as if someone was trying to sneak into the castle.

but that didn't matter to brendon, he was more concerned and concentrated on if the stranger had heard him.

the noise gets louder, the shadow of a young female appears on the stairs. the silhouette continues to move until it slows down, noticing the prince. her steady breaths relax as she stands in front of the male.

brendon's head perks up, meeting face to face with a young female in ivory.

their eyes meet.

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