Yandere guard x Princess reader

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--- Third POV ---

Not too long ago, a conflict started between Bartasia and the neighboring country Areath. Even though Bartasia had no real proof that Areath was the culprit of the incident, the bond between the two countries got a big blow anyway.

The King of Areath did not trust his sister, Y/N's mother. And he was worried when his niece, Y/N,  would become the new Queen she would be equally as bad if not worse. This is why he ordered his army to take Y/N and they finally succeeded when Y/N was two years old.

The king hoped if Y/N grew up until the age of 18 in Areath, Y/N would become a better ruler than her mother and that she'd care for her people. The plan was to tell her the truth on her 18th birthday and then bring her back to Bartasia as the legal heir to the throne. Because she was the first child, her parents would not be able to deny her access to the throne. 

For the mission to succeed the king had to make sure she would not be found until she turned 18. He had to think of a place were her parents where unluckily to search or found her. Meaning he could not let Y/N live in the castle or among the people in the villages. No, he needed a much better place. A place where her parents could not find her even if they had thought about that place being a possibility. A place so big with so many possibilities they would never find her.

That's why the king decided to let her live in this small house in the huge woods with one of his trusted guards and the guard's three-year-old son, Erik. 

--- POV Erik, 10 years later ---

I'm sitting together with my dad at the dining table eating breakfast while Y/N is already outside playing with our bunnies. She always looked so adorable feeding and petting them. 

I've always had this one question that I didn't dare ask. Afraid of the answer or of dad not wanting to answer it in the first place. I didn't want to make dad uncomfortable or feel bad about it. 

But today was the day I told myself. Today I was going to ask it. Blow away all my doubts, worries and questions.

"Dad?" I asked.

Dad looked up from making his sandwich and looked me in the eyes and said, "Yes, son?"

"What do you exactly do as a guard? I mean you're always home."

"Well," he started "that's a difficult question. In the beginning, I was a guard who used to protect the castle. But I always had to be away from you and your mom. But I just thought later I will be able to spend more time with both of you and then..." 

Dad stopped talking for a moment and looked down at his sandwich. As if what he was trying to say next was very difficult for him to say.

Then he suddenly looked me up in the eyes and started talking again, "Then your mom died... I knew I couldn't quit my job, because we would not be getting any money then anymore. But at the same time, I knew you needed me too. So then this opportunity arose and I just took it I guess. I wouldn't be a guard any longer at the castle but I would guard you and Y/N. You see, Y/N had bad parents and she needed to be protected from them. So the king asked if I would want to do that as a job instead and I said yes."

"So you are protecting Y/N and me as part of your job?" I asked.

"Yes," he confirmed.

"I want to become a guard when I'm bigger too then! So we can protect Y/N from the bad guys together!" I exclaimed.

Dad chuckled and said, "That's the spirit son!"

--- POV Y/N, 5 years later ---

In a month I will turn eighteen! I can't wait to go out together with Erik! There are still so many things to prepare. The cake, the decorations for all around the house, the chocolate, some party related things and uh... oh yeah, can't forget the food!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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