➳Round TWO- Reviews➳

176 6 16

Remember that annoying part of the rules where we said that you had to write a long-ish comment on the book you're to read? Here it is in case you don't vividly recall it:

"Leaving a comment. A thumbs-up or heart emoji won't do, alas. A 100 to 200 words comment is required. Let the author know what you liked about their book. If you have constructive criticism, that's also the place to lovingly leave it."

Well, that's the place where you leave that comment. Below you'll find the name of all 14 books assigned for Round two. Please leave your review in an inline comment next to the book you've read or PM it to us.


Half a donut by @Yamanika_


Siren by @houseofmirrors


Entwined Destiny by @YennesM


Mea again by @Maya0150


Breathe by @SloanBrady


Sins of a God by @fallenperidot


After I fall by @CourtneyPeterman0


Lady death by @Hannah-Laine


Craved by @Midnight_Love


Any way the wind blows by @LuliWrites


Perfect mistake by @Sparkling-Jem


How You Get The Girl by @DreamerMinneapolis


Heart to heart by @loiseaublanc


Extraordinary Ordinary by @CutThePages 

"Wren and Mr. Hollywood's encounter was adorable! I love that he was the damsel in distress, and she was the one to save him from the big bad paparazzi :)

She is definitely not swooning everytime he snaps his fingers: she is fierce and doesn't crawl just because he is rich, famous, or insanely gorgeous!

So when the big bad paparazzi mess with her image and his reputation, she is ready to use her claws and fangs :)

Your side characters are awesome! Robyn is my spirit animal, and Morris, well, the driver of my dreams? XD

Thank you for this exciting and quirky duo!"



➳ Please leave an inline comment here if you have any questions regarding this very round.

➳ ➳♥➳➳

Thank you guys so much for joining this round. We hope you're enjoying it! See you in Round 3 ♥

 We hope you're enjoying it! See you in Round 3 ♥

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