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Addicts, hello!

This is supposed to be an announcement on our board, but we've turned it into a part of this book because we're not able to make announcements (agh, technology!).

Let's welcome our newest members who've been added to the directory. We're over 30 official Addicts now! Yay!

Also, big thank you for those who've applied to the book club. Make sure to check the latest published part to know which book you've been assigned. Although the starting date is supposed to be on November 2, we had to wait one more day for there's been some conflict with a couple of forms.

All is solved now, and so we can now dive into our Romance gorged novels.

Also, can we just take a moment to appreciate the AMAZING community that's been created here? You guys are awesome! ♥

Finally, we must point out an error with our About section. For some strange reason, it's deleting its content and so we end up with an empty description box. Fret not, though. Here's the link to the Membership form: https://forms.gle/aBRFF4Xc4mKNKowW8 as we work on solving this problem. (link also available in the comment section)

With that being said, we wish you a great awesome day/night.

Until next time,➳The Romance Addicts ♥

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