➳Round ONE - Reviews➳

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Remember that annoying part of the rules where we said that you had to write a long-ish comment on the book you're to read? Here it is in case you don't vividly recall it:

"Leaving a comment. A thumbs-up or heart emoji won't do, alas. A 100 to 200 words comment is required. Let the author know what you liked about their book. If you have constructive criticism, that's also the place to lovingly leave it."

Well, that's the place where you leave that comment. Below you'll find the name of all 17 books assigned for Round one. Please leave your review in an inline comment next to the book you've read or PM it to us. 


After I fall by @courtneypeterman0

"I enjoyed how your story is dialogue-driven. It allows the audience to see how the characters interact with each other and sets up the nature of their relationships very well.

The use of dialogue, especially in the beginning with Abbey and Braeden, sets the stage for where their relationship stands right now: on a rocky ledge. Braeden is a hardheaded and stubborn person with a hard exterior. He's being deployed for the longest length of time and in the midst of all that he finds out that Abbey is pregnant with their first child. You were able to capture the harshness that can come with needing to maintain the promise to duty and finding the balance with also keeping the promise to your significant other.

Despite Braeden refusing to open himself and bare his heart and terrors to Abbey she still stands by his side giving him the support he needs and understanding that he needs to work through his problems on his own. In the complex mixture of their relationship, you were able to portray how they still choose each other at the end of the day ugly flaws and all.

Your depiction of Braeden's family was done in such a clear way that I was easily able to tell how those who surrounded him as he grew influenced his character. He comes from a family with multiple generations serving in the military and at the end of the day, Bray just wants to make his late father proud.

I could not love the relationship between Braeden and his twin sister, Belle, anymore if I tried. They are the epitome of the connection that twin siblings often share. They have a fun yin yang dualism and share an understanding between them that makes their interactions so entertaining to witness.

From reading the blurb I know that the future is going to change drastically with the Abbey having to move forward with the loss of her now husband. You've already gained my investment in these two characters so I'll freely say that I'm probably going to be crushed with the loss of Braeden!

I do have one suggestion regarding the exposition of Abbey's background (unless I missed it, because of technical difficulties lol). The audience gets a fairly large amount of information about Braeden's past and the dynamic with his family, but we get little to none about Abbey and her family or support system. This might have been intentional, as the lack of a support system could play into her addiction later on in the story, but I've yet to get that far. If that's the case, ignore this suggestion!

This story manages to captivate and maintain its hold on readers with characters that have a depth that is refreshing to see. I'm so glad that I was assigned your story and have enjoyed reading it so far!"



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