"Kinda," I sigh. All the boys gasp, faking hurt.

"How dare you!" One of them hisses. I roll my eyes at their dramatics.

"Okay, well it wasn't only you that I was ignoring, okay? It was everybody."

They shake their head in a disapproving manner.

"You should probably check it though, I'm sure Harry's worried," Zayn says and I sigh.

"I don't know if I want to find that out," I mumble.

They all scoff. "What, you think he's not? Are you insane? Did you forget who he is?"

I shrug. "I don't know guys. I feel weird, okay? What if he's too busy with her?" I'm not the type to voice my insecurities like this, so I'm surprised that I do.

"You're actually insane. He's the same Harry who left here. He's still your soulmate. Whatever he does with her is just for publicity, okay? It's you, always you." Louis reminds me. I can't help but be grateful. He's right and it's just what I needed to hear.

I glance at Zayn to see his sober expression. I think about his confession, how he told me with such sadness. I guess his reaction lets me know he hasn't dealt with his problems.

I reassuringly put my hand on his arm, but move it before the others can see. From the looks of it, they don't know he has a soulmate. I remember Louis telling me he was the only other person who found his in the group.

The poor guy, he has to deal with it all by himself.

"Okay, okay," I groan. "Enough sappy stuff. I'm going on a run, anyone care to join?"

They all look at me like I've grown three heads.

"We can walk?" I meekly suggest.

"We're up anyway, why not?" Niall shrugs, hopping up. The others groan, but he pulls them all up, forcing them to come.

"Audrey's asleep anyway. I don't want you buffoons waking her up."

All but Niall trudge out the door, walking slower than sloths. I'm a little annoyed my jog has been interrupted, but I enjoy the company anyway.

I don't take them far. They didn't sign up to exercise this early.

"Why do you jog so early?" Liam asks.

I grin, glancing up at the sky. The sun is just rising over the horizon. "You don't have color-sight, so you may not understand, but the sky is beautiful. The colors are my favorite thing ever."

"Colors?" Niall asks, confused.

"Yeah," I grin. "There's a lot. There's yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue. It's all a beautiful mix." I can't help but glance over to Zayn. He looks up at the sky, analyzing the colors with a thoughtful expression.

"She's right mate. What a shame you haven't found your One," Louis teases. They begin horseplaying and I laugh at their boyish behavior.

"Ellie, it's humid. Can we go back?" Zayn whines. He gestures to his hair, trying to prove his point. I roll my eyes again, but turn on my heels. They all seem relieved, and I feel a little guilty for dragging them with me.

Well, I gave them a choice. Niall's the one who forced them.

My mood is instantly better compared to yesterday. Even though Audrey and Drew tried to keep me company, their intense sexual tension pushed through and they retired to the bedroom. I don't know, or want to know, what they did in there. I just went to my room and put my headphones in.

Colorful (H.S) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now