Chapter 4

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~Falcon With Wings~

"Y/n! Y/n wake up!"

You gasp awake and you can barely come to your senses just yet as you're pulled out of the fighter.


"It's Finn!" You look up and see the man who is in the trooper suit. But he's holding Poe's jacket. You watch as the ship sinks into the sand and you quickly stand to your feet. Looking around.

"Where's Poe?" You ask. Finn shakes his head, unsure before draping the jacket over your shoulders. The look in his eyes shows something unbelievable.

"No. No, he can't be!"

"We don't know for sure." Finn says sadly. Tears sting your eyes as you hold the jacket closer to you.

Poe can't be dead. He just can't...

"We have to move." Finn pants. He starts walking and with no choice, you do the same. Having Poe's jacket on your shoulders is more comforting than you'd like to admit. Giving you hope he's still out there. As well as his scent still being in the jacket.

Wandering for ages. Until you come across a village. Hope rises a little bit. You think Poe could be here but even when you and Finn run around desperately in the village. You cannot understand most of them nor find an inch of where Poe could be.

That is until you hear a woman grunting. Yelling in anger. You and Finn who had gotten some water turn to it to see a girl with three buns in her hair being attacked and men trying to take a droid. A specific droid.

You run after them and help the girl take them down. Kicking them down to their feet as Finn too helps out just a tiny bit. The girl brings the blanket off the droid and it chirps excitedly, letting out a long scream in your sight.


You crouch down and hug the droid who nuzzles his head into your chest. The girl pants, while Finn puts his hands on his knees and pants.

"You girls alright?"

"Yes. I am." The girl replies. She looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

"You have his masters jacket."

BB8 starts exclaims loudly again as you two listen in. "Ah. You're friends with his master."

You nod your head, smiling at the girl. You recognize her voice no doubt as another one of the voices from the nightmare.

"I'm Y/n Solo."

The girl gives you a weak smile. "Rey."

"And I'm Finn!"

Rey looks up at Finn with slightly dreamy eyes before standing up on her feet.

"The droid says he's never seen this man in his life. Who is he?"

"His name is Finn. An Ex-Stormtrooper but we're apart of Resistance. Well, he's new but me and his master have been apart of Resistance for a while."

REMEMBER ME ➸ Poe Dameron X Reader(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now