Chapter 2

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My alarm clock blared on my desk as I rolled over begrudgingly.

Tapping my phone screen to stop the obnoxious noise I slowly sat up.

This would be my routine for the remainder of the semester if we make it to the NCAA tournament.

I was not ready for the preseason conditioning I was about to endure along with 29 other players.

Our program was always large due to injuries and people under performing.

We were one of the top teams in the country so we had high expectations.

A slow down at any part of the season was not acceptable.

Making my way to the joint on suite I quickly showered to wake myself up and loosely threw my hair in a bun before changing into my compression shorts and a sports bra.

I rarely like to wear more while working out which is why I was grateful for the gym in my parents home.

Unfortunately, that isnt the case at UT and I've been told to cover up more.

I'm not shy when it comes to my extra appendage but if the guys are made to cover their lower region more I have to also.

Sliding on a UT soccer tank top and workout shorts I made my way to the kitchen.

Grabbing several types of fruit, coconut milk, protein powder and a yogurt from the fridge i began making my smoothie.

The last ingredient was ice and then i was ready to go.

Pouring the liquid into my Gatorade bottle i slipped on my nike free runs and headed to the elevator.

In an attempt to motivate myself more I placed one of my samsung earbuds in and tuned into J Cole.

Hes my go to rapper when it comes to pregame or preworkout motivation.

No Role Models began playing as I entered my Range Rover Velar.

Rapping along to the lyrics that was now blaring through the car speakers I drove out the parking lot.

The drive was only a couple minutes to the athletic center.

Parking in my typical spot I opened the door to see a couple of my teammates already heading in.

I was around 5 minutes early and was usually the first one there so I scolded myself.

If i want to be Captain I need to be better.

The Captain of my first two seasons had graduated leaving the title available.

I was determined to get it.

Walking briskly down the sidewalk I entered the facility holding my drink bottle and face towel.

I knew I was about to die.

Turning a couple corners I entered the gym.

Thankfully, there were only three players there already.

Upon entering they turned around before embracing me in another group hug.

Smiling at their reaction we made small talk as others joined greeting them.

The seniority of the team was pretty evident as the upper class players huddled together with the 3 Sophomores as the 5 freshman and transfer striker shyly spoke amongst themselves.

Taking the initiative I called everyone into a huddle and began a small pep talk.

"Welcome home everyone. It's the first day of preseason and we only have a couple weeks until our first game so let's kick ass. There are almost 30 of us an only 11 starters plus 6 travelling players so each and everyone of us need to push ourselves to the limit."

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