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tuesday mornings at the byers

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tuesday mornings at the byers

tuesday mornings at the byers

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. ✧ ・゜. +・o ✧

Mornings in the Byers household were chaotic. Alina and Will would usually start their day with the sound of their alarm, or, if they forgot to set it, the sound of either Joyce or Jonathan rapping on their door, telling them to wake up. They'd eat a quick breakfast with Skywalker alternating between begging Alina for food and hissing at the walls. Then it was get dressed, brush teeth, and go, Joyce insisting on Jonathan driving them both.

Today, as Alina's eyes popped open to the sound of Joyce calling her name, her heart pounding hard in her chest from a bad dream, she decided it was going to go a little different. Her pillow was wet from drool and the cold sweat she broke out in whenever she had a nightmare, and she flipped it over, wrinkling her nose in disgust, trying not to think of the dream she'd had, which included bloody bodies, Eleven reaching out for her desperately, and the Demogorgon, it's mouth opening like a deranged flower.

She closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths. It's gone. The Demogorgon's gone. El killed it. Then she dropped off of the top bunk, landing in a crouch in front of Will, who was just blinking open his bleary eyes.

"Do you have to do that every morning?" he moaned, throwing off the covers. "Why can't you just climb down the ladder like a normal person?"

Alina let out a laugh, standing up. "Nothing about either of us is normal, Byers. Now come on, get up. I'm going to ask your mom if I can bike today."

With another moan, Will forced himself out of bed, and Alina inspected him quickly. His eyes were not red. There were no tear tracks on his face. And he was breathing normally. Unlike her, he seemed to have slept well. For once.

Whenever Will had a nightmare, he'd usually wake up screaming, his anguished cries rousing Alina out of her own uneasy slumber. She'd be able to hear his ragged sobs cut through the air, and so Alina would drop down from her bunk, closing the door as to not wake up either Joyce or Jonathan, and climb into the bunk with Will, wrapping her arms around her friend and comforting him from his night terrors. Inevitably, Will and Alina would eventually fall asleep there together. It was something a real brother and sister would do, Alina thought.

MAD'OUK- Lucas Sinclair ²Where stories live. Discover now