Part (14)

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(3rd POV)

"WE FOUND HIM!" One of the men sitting in front of the computers yelled.

"Where is he?" Namjoon rushed to that guys side and saw that Jin was in an abandoned building that's 15 minutes away.

Namjoon grabbed his coat and gun and rushed out of the building not forgetting to send a signal first.

He jumped into the car and as soon as he drove off he called Taehyung.

Namjoon: I'll send you a location...get there as soon as possible

And with those few words Namjoon ended the call and focused on driving.

He finally found Jin after all these months of looking without a clue...he wasn't going to let this chance go.


Namjoon finally got to the location and the first thing he noticed was the two men guarding the door.

He thought it was suspicious and that he shouldn't just rush in but rather wait for back up.

That was until he saw two other men dragging a beaten up guy inside.

Namjoons heart dropped to his stomach and his fists clenched tightly against the steering wheel.

The guy was none other than Jin...


"Well well...if it isn't the hero". The leader smirked before singling for the two guys to let go of Jin.

The two dropped him on the floor harshly...and although he was almost beaten up to death he still had the strength in him.

"Keep smiling won't be smiling for long". Jin scoffed before Jeon took a few steps forward and grabbed him by the collar.

"Seems like your snarky comments are still there". He spat before punching Jin in the stomach.

Jin groaned before he started coughing out blood...

"Seems like you're gonna end up just like your siblings". At the mention of his siblings Jin looked up and his eyes turned red.

"Don't you dare mention them". Jin spat before stomping on Jeons feet with all the strength he could muster up.

"Dammit". Jeon cursed as he threw Jin against the brick wall.

"All you had to do was give me my son". Jeon started taking small steps towards Jin.

"And yet you tried to act like the hero...what is it with your family and trying to act like heros". He added before stopping in front of Jin.

Jin was laying on the ground clenching his stomach....his fists tightened.

He had been tracking Jeon for these whole months and he finally found him.

Only it was a trap....

He left Namjoon and wrote that letter because he didn't want the younger to suffer from Jins actions.

He really did deserve someone better....someone that won't destroy him.

At the thought of Namjoon, Jin felt his lips tilt upwards....

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