How to Love Thy Self

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How can One love thy self?
When One IS thy self people say she is loud.
People say she is informal.
People say she is untamed.
People say she is "unprofessional."
She can only ignore but so many people, for those people who lied to be so close even speak distortion.
When One acts Professional...
When One acts tamed...
When One lies to people to spare their feelings...
When One uses proper language and no longer tells jokes...
She is "Broken;" but is this not what you asked?
You told her she was wrong.
You told her that her way of life was not right, but when she tries to change to YOUR standards she is lost.
A word for those who are painting a picture with paint chosen by others.
How do we know what brushes to use?
What colors?
What canvas?
How do we paint with no arms? No fingers? No eyes?
How do we create when creation is creature?
This is One's dilemma.

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