Imagine 4: I Still Get Jealous

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Keshante squealed when she opened the door and saw her two best friends in the whole wide world standing impatiently on her doorstep. After giving both of them a bear hug, she ushered them inside. 

"Oh my gosh, it's been forever!" Zee said dramatically as the three of them made their way towards the kitchen where there were food and wine set up.

"Girl shut up, it has been a week!" Keke laughed.

"A week too long! A lot of shit has happened!" Tatiyanna, Keke's closest friend said as she poured a glass of Cellar Four 79 Red Blend (A/N: highly recommended dinner wine!).

"Well fill me in then!"

"Girl so you know I've been flying back a forth from New York for fashion week right?" Tatiyanna was a makeup artist for Harper's Baazar and had been flying in and out of New York to help with the ICONS party that was thrown. The two women nodded in reply. "Girl, we get to the party, everything is great! My clients look amazing, the red carpet is star-studded, and LORD Kendall Jenner was stunning! Couple hours into the party, I get trampled because security is escorting Cardi B out of the party because she was tryna fight!" Zee bursts into laughter and Keke gasps.

"Trying to fight at the party!" 

"YES GIRL! After she left the whole ordeal happened everybody was just kind of standing there looking around until the music started back playing."

"So...Why did the fight happen?" Zee asked eating some grapes.

"Apparently, Nicki said some words about Cardi's baby and Cardi popped off-"

"What she say?" 

"Does it matter?! Kids are off limits, Nicki went too far." Keke butt in.

"But how do we know if she said anything? Cardi will literally talk about any and everything with no filter what-so-ever but she won't announce what made her want to fight Nicki so bad?" Zee rolled her eyes. "Look, you want my opinion?"

"Yes, I do actually Ms. Lawyer..." Tati replied smartly.

"Ever since Motorsport, and even before that, with the whole Remy Ma thing, there has been this Nicki Hate Train going through town that every rapper has been jumping on making themselves victims to for the clout because they know that the public is going to hate her too..." Zee said annoyed. 

"Okay, so what about her telling people not to fuck with certain artists or she won't fuck with them?"

"The same reason Nike tells their clients not to wear other brands, or labels tell their artists not to release under other labels without their consent...MONEY" She said making Birdman hands.

"So people talk all this shit about Nicki and you don't believe any of it?"

"I'm not being in denial, but as a lawyer, people lie, and as a logical thinking human being, people hear all this shit about other artists, like R. Kelly, Chris Brown, and XXX and they still have fans; you cannot expect everyone to not support an artist because they are terrible people." Zee shook her head, "If that was the case half of the artists today would be bankrupt and homeless. At the end of the day, a whole bunch of people, including myself, will be tuned into Queen Radio on Monday nights." 

 "ALRIGHT NEXT TOPIC!" Tati interrupted the growing debate. "I ALSO went to the Giants game...MM MM MM saw my hubby Odell" She said licking her lips. The women laughed at their friend's antics.

"Odell is some nice eye candy though," Keke said. "You know who else? That damn Klay Thompson." She sighed. Zee made a 'wtf' face.

"Klay? No no no, Devin Booker." The coke-figured beauty had met Devin at a couple of events but never actually spoke to him because he surrounded himself with his boys. They had made eye contact at the All-Star after party that she had snuck into, and Zee damn near orgasmed right then and there. Luckily they made it to the bathroom before that happened, but that's another story for another time.

"Girl him too." Keke agreed. Her eyes widened when she heard a throat clear itself. She turned around quickly and was greeted by her boyfriend Michael staring at her with his right brow raised.

"Having girl talk?" He laughed. His cute ass dimples poking through his cheeks. Keke let out a nervous laugh and nodded. "Well can I steal you away for a minute to help me find the bedsheets? I looked everywhere and cannot find them." 

Keke rolled her eyes, knowing that the minute she walks into the bathroom they'll be right in his face. "Bae they are right in your face when you open the door." She said walking past him to the bathroom. She opened the linen closet and as she said, the sheets were right in her face. She pulled them out and closed the door in time to see Michael locking the door. "What are you doing?" She laughed. Michael pulled his shirt off and walked towards Keke, picking her up and placing her on the bathroom counter.

"I don't like you talking about other men, especially not while I'm here." He said from his place between Keke's legs. 

"Jealous?" She smirked. He placed his forehead against hers.

"Very," he said before kissing her. The two shared a very passionate kiss and Michael reached in his back pocket to pull out a condom. He placed beside Keke on the counter and moved to slide her panties from beneath her sundress. Once he effectively removed them he laughed when he saw the sheets in her hand. He took them and threw them on the bathroom floor which caused Keke to make a sound in protest.

"Hey! Those sheets were clean."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "I'll wash them again later." Keke shook her head and pull him in by his neck for a kiss. Keke jumped off the counter and began to undo Michael's pants, never once breaking the kiss. Once unbuttoned, she pulled Michael out of his jeans and slowly jacked him off while he hardened in her hands. Michael was feeling on anything he could get his hands on. Once she felt he was hard enough for her she lowered herself onto her knees in front of him. "Baby not right now we don't have time, we gotta be quick so you can go back." Keke sighed and got up. Michael lifted her back onto the counter and felt in between her legs. The thought of having sex with people present in the house excited her. Michael took in a sharp breath when his fingers came in contact with how wet Keke was. He quickly reached for the condom and put it on. 

"Fuck" she cursed when Michael made his way inside.

"Good God," Michael whispered. "That feeling never gets old." Keke laughed softly through a moan. Michael started slow, as he always did. He was too sweet for his own good sometimes. Once he felt that Keke was loose enough he sped up. As he sped up Keke's moans got louder; she wrapped her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his glistening forehead. He pecked her lips and went back to staring down at himself going in and out of Keke's sweet pool of desire. He groaned when he felt her squeeze on him. "Stop doing that." She clenched again. Michael picked her up and continued to stroke.

Zee and Tatiyanna stopped their conversation about makeup brands when they heard their third musketeer moaning from the bathroom. The females made eye contact and laughed. Both shook their heads and began to get their belongings. Zee took the platter of food and Tati took the bottle of wine as they walked out the door. 

Michael leaned Keke against the linen closet door and delivered slow, sensual, deep strokes into her body. Keke closed her eyes and embraced the wave of content that crashed along with her orgasm. Michael pecked her lips over and over as he released into the protection. The couple sat there enjoying each other's company as they recovered. Michael eventually recovered and pulled out, turning to turn on the bath. Keke smiled and removed her sundress.

Their night was just starting.

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