Imagine 8: I Bet the Neighbors Know my Name (Oh Wait, I am the Neighbor)

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"Welcome to the neighborhood?" Zee asked raising her brow. "With roses?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Simone giggled smelling the third bouquet of roses delivered to her door this week. Her condo neighbor was so hot! He always carried himself with a, "I can rearrange your insides aura" that made Simone's body jump whenever she saw him, which wasn't often. He was extremely busy, all the time. But every day since she has been here, at the same time, he would have a bouquet of roses, all different colors at her front door. The first day was red, then white, and now pink.

"I think he's trying to sweeten you up for a better welcoming gift than 12 flowers." Simone gasped and hit Zee on the shoulder.

"As much as I'd hate to admit this to you, I sure hope so." Zee laughed and took the pink roses smelling them.

"These smell expersive." She said in a Madea voice. Simone laughed at her ex-college roommate's silliness. "I like expensive."

"Zee, you are not taking my flowers."

"Why not? you got 24 others just like it."

"I don't care, they were meant for me."

"It's called re-gifting duh."

"Azaria, you are not taking my flowers." Zee scrunched up her face at her government name.

"Damn lady, you can't be saying my government out of the blue the FBI might be watching."

"We are in my house!"

"It doesn't matter. Your microphone might be tapped right now." Simone rolled her eyes.

"You could give a conspiracy theorist a run for his money."

"If he pays in 20s or higher, I'm Usain Bolt." Simone cackled.

After a long day of press and media day, all John wanted to do was finally introduce himself to his beautiful condo neighbor and sleep. He had been sending her roses for the past three days since he saw her backing in a medium-sized Uhaul truck. He had been avoiding her since. He's John Wall, the fuck he needs to be nervous for? he didn't know. He just had this feeling in his loin. He mustered up the courage to finally knock on his mystery beauty's door. He made the motion to knock but the door whipped open and his hand made contact with a female's, the one he had seen with his neighbor, face. The woman looked at him wide-eyed and sent a left jab into his nose. John yelped in pain and held his nose bent over. He heard someone gasping and he felt shocks going through his arm as someone motioned him inside.

"Zee, what the fuck?!" he heard a melodic voice exclaim

"He hit me!"

"It was an accident!"

"SO?" The addicting voice sighed deeply and removed John's hand from his nose. He looked at her and was instantly caught in a trance. He stared at her and she stared at him for a while before the friend broke their stares. "You do know he's bleeding from his nose right. And it's about to drip on your- oh it's on there now, good luck getting that out."

"I'm John." He attempted to say seductively. Kinda hard with pain going through your nose. he winced and Simone ran to grab a washcloth to help him stop the blood. John held his head up and attempted to pause the blood from running everywhere.

"Don't hold your head up. Hold it down."

"But I'm bleeding."

"And? Hold your head down and the bleeding will stop faster. Your preventing clotting that way and your rushing blood to your brain. Trust me I'm a doctor in my residency."

John listened and began to hold his head down as Simone came back with a warm rag. She placed the cloth on his nose and he wiped his hands on the cloth.

"Alright Simmy, you got it from here?"

"Yep. Thanks, Doc." Zee nodded and took her leave. John took over the cloth and Simone went to wash her hands.

"I'm Simone by the way." She said over the breakfast bar. He smiled. He finally had a name to a face. He wiped the rest of the blood on his face and stood up.

"So Simone," Simone's walls clenched when her name came out of his mouth. "What do you do for a living?"

"I sell luxury homes."

"Real Estate? Nice." He was not expecting that.

"It's alright. I do what I can. I would ask what you do, but I'm pretty sure there's a poster with you and Bradley Beal on it right outside Capital One Arena." John laughed. 

"I hate that picture. I was looking rough." Simone laughed. The two of them talked for a while before John decided to cut the conversation short.

"You look extremely tired. Your eyes are red and you've yawned five times already."

"I am but I really like talking to you."

"Until tomorrow then?"

"Yeah sure." She said as John walked out of the door and next door.

The next couple of weeks will be frustrating for the two, they will flirt here, flirt there, nightcap with no sex, kiss with no tongue. And when Simone finally pops the big question, John folds. Simone had enough. She forgets about the sexy neighbor and meets a sweet guy who works for the Pentagon on Tinder. The two have pondering conversations online and finally pick a day to date. During a check at her mailbox while on the phone, John overhears Simone's plans and his blood boiled. But he had no reason to be mad, or did he?

"What the fuck John?!"

Coming soon in Part 2!

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