3c. Everybody knows

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Victoria's head rolled off to the side, her body now limp. Quick breaths escaped my lips, hot tears streaming down my face. I looked towards Edward for an answer, but Bella was holding him to her chest.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, his arm tightening around Bella's waist. Suddenly it all made sense. It was all for Bella, everything he did was Bella. He killed Victoria for Bella.

"She was lying, she wouldn't keep something to eat for later." He continued, and I could tell he noticed how my body shook with anger. Anger towards him, and Victoria. Anger towards Bella.

"How the hell would you know?" I shouted, my fingers digging into my palms. It amazed me at how quickly devotion could turn to hate. The emotions swallowed me whole as I looked into the person who I once saw as my friend.

"I just do, Nadine."


Seth emerged from the trees, letting out a sharp bark. Catching our attention, Edward took a moment before his frown got even deeper. "What's wrong?"

"Alice wants us to come. Now."

Nadine trailed behind Edward and Bella, her arms wrapped around herself. It was almost like security but she knew nothing could protect her from the bitter truth that her mom was either dead or dying.

"Nadine!" She snapped her head towards the voice of her father, his shoulders now relaxing as he jogged towards her figure. As her name left his lips, Emmett's eyes met her bloodshot ones and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He dragged one of the last few bodies into the fire, before making his way towards Nadine.

Victor reached her first, wrapping his arm around her. The two most important men her life examined her from her head to her toes, not finding anything wrong. "What's wrong?" Victor questioned, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

"Nothing, Victoria's dead." She simply replied, but she knew that there was much more to the story.

"Where's Jacob?" Caught up in her own world, Nadine snapped herself from her thoughts now noticing her surroundings. Bodies burned in a large fire, and the Cullens surrounded it. It reminded her of a bonfire she and her mother once had as a celebration of her 13th birthday. Except for the smoke reeked of death, and there were bodies burning in it.

"There." Jacob emerged from the trees, and as Victor went to speak to Jacob so did one sole Newborn vampire.

A vicious snarl escaped the newborn's lips, but before he could attack either of the two, Leah burst through trees charging at the vampire. Nadine made her way towards my dad, and she could swear it was going in slow motion. What was going through Nadine's mind at that moment was a mystery, but she never stopped her quick strides towards her father.

"Leah, Don't!" Edward warns. The vampire spins and grabs Leah, and her father lunges to pry him off of her. As the vampire turns to grasp at Nadine's father, Nadine grips her dad's arm pulling him away.

"Nadine, No!"

The vampire's arms wrap his arms around her petite figure and suddenly she's limp. Shouts of protests escape Victor's lips as he reaches forward to catch his lifeless daughter.

He prayed for her to open her eyes, but when he realized the form she was in, he knew she wasn't coming back. Emmett stood frozen his nonexistent heart clenching over the death of his true love.

"God, no." Victor whimpered cradling his petite form in his arms.

"Please, no."

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