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L i l y R o s e

A soft rock ballad was playing quietly on the record player while Harry's low snores sounded over the top. Our conversation had come to an end not long ago, and he had dozed off; he was very clearly tired from the night before. He was sat beside me with one hand dangerously close to my knee and the other resting in his lap, and his head was tilted back, with his mouth resting slightly open. I was debating on whether to wake him considering the clock was about to strike 10, but he looked so at peace that I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Soon enough, I saw his hands move ever so slightly before his eyes began to flutter open. I noticed the confused expression he wore as he woke up, but his face returned to relaxed (and very sleepy) as he realised where he was.

As he looked to me, I gave him a lazy smile, which he returned immediately.

"What time is it?" His voice was as raspy as ever. I was honestly surprised at how comfortable we were around each other, even after all this time. It felt as though nothing had changed.

"9:20." I confirmed.

His eyes widened, "Oh, that late? I'm so sorry. Talk of overstaying my welcome."

"Don't be silly, H. You're always welcome."

A grin formed perfectly upon his face as he slumped himself closer to me on the sofa. I could feel his warm breath tickling my arm as he closed his eyes once more before saying, "I should probably get going." He put his hand on my knee, giving it a light squeeze, "I've had a really nice day, Lil. Thank you."

Slowly standing up, I guided Harry towards the front door where he collected his shoes and car keys. Due to us being caught up in a small conversation, I walked him out to his car so that we could finish it. After talking for a further 10 minutes stood beside his car, he finally clambered inside of it to start up the engine. Standing back, I could see his eyebrows suddenly furrow in annoyance. The sound of him hitting his steering wheel was very faint, but I could just about make it out.

Wondering what was going on, I tapped on the window, which he instantly rolled down. I gave him a questioning look, and he replied, "Car won't start."

Typical. "Um... have you got the keys in?" He looked up at me like I was an absolute idiot, trying ever so hard to contain his laughter. I glared at him defensively, "Harry! You know I don't know anything about cars."

A laugh escaped his lips at this statement, and I couldn't help the smile that had crept into my face.

"I'll have to call AA." he stated, hopping out of the drivers seat to stand up next to me. "Do you mind if it stays here until they can come and pick it up?"

Nodding, I responded, "Of course."

Just then, the heavens opened and rain began to thrash down on us like there was no tomorrow. My eyes could hardly make out Harry's figure due to being blurred by the droplets of water.

"Come here!" he raised his voice so I could hear him over the loud sound of the rain hitting the road. I obeyed his soft demand and neared him, and once I was close enough, he covered me with the inside of his jacket to shield me from the harsh weather. Being this close to him made my stomach flutter, and with my head pressed up against his chest, I could hear his unsteady heartbeat. "You get yourself inside, Lil - I don't want you catching a cold. I'll text you when I get home, yeah?"

"What?" I said suddenly, "No chance are you walking in this."

Without giving him a chance to interrupt me, I pulled him by the hand back into my apartment. By the time we had made it back through the front door, our clothes were soaked through. Harry's coat was clinging onto him for dear life, and my hair was dripping water onto the floor.

Laughing at the state of the pair of us, I told him to stay where he was so that he didn't soak my apartment as I ran up to my bedroom to get us some dry clothes.

Once I got to my room, I quickly gathered up some warm items of clothing and was about to take them downstairs before I noticed my reflection in my mirror. It wasn't until now that I realised how difficult it was to be so close to him, yet so far. I warned myself not to cry. I couldn't cry. Not again - I've cried too much.

I bit down hard on my lip, closed my eyes for five seconds, and then I was ready to brace myself for (what looked like it was about to be) another night with Harry.

My hair was damp by the time I got back to him, and he was still stood at the front door, being extremely careful not to get rainwater everywhere - bless him!

"Okay, so the only thing I have that would fit you is this dressing gown." I held out the soft, white material in front of me, and his grin was so wide that I thought his cheeks would strain.

Chuckling, he commented, "I bought you this." I nodded, and he then continued, "So, you're giving me your dressing gown, whilst you're going to be wearing my t-shirt."

He gestured to the t-shirt that we had spotted on the top of my headboard earlier on, and I shrugged, "You know you lost this a long time ago, H. This is mine."

Harry gave a defeated sigh, and suddenly started to strip in the middle of my kitchen to get out of the soaking wet clothes he was in, and I took that as my cue to leave to get changed myself in the bathroom.

If this had been a different time, sometime in the past, there would be no need to separate when changing. But as I keep having to remind myself: that was then, this is now.

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