"...that I love me too."

Minho gave Jisung a light shove and rolled over to face away from him.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," Jisung snickered, attacking Minho with a hug. "I love you too, hoe."

Minho laughed at the name and rolled over to hug Jisung back. There was so much more both of them wanted to say, but after the long and physically demanding day, they ended up falling asleep shortly in each other's arms.


"So the final exam is scheduled for December 10th. I have uploaded a past exam on the class page for you all to work on, but make sure you study everything and not just the past exam," Minho told the class. "Any questions?"

"I do," a boy at the back called out. He directed his question at the students rather than the professor. "So, uh... something unfortunate happened and all my notes got ruined. I was wondering if someone could be so kind as to share all the-"

"Dude, who are you? Have you even gone to any of the classes?" a guy sitting close to the front called out.

The boy who asked about the notes slumped back into his seat with his face glowing red.

"Any actual questions for me?" Minho said.

It was bittersweet that this was the last calculus class of the semester. Jisung was happy, of course, that he no longer would have to spend his mornings doing math for two hours in the cramped lecture hall. However, he was certainly going to miss spending his mornings watching Minho talking up at the board. And he was definitely going to miss teasing Minho during class.

On the thought of teasing Minho, he decided that he might as well go out with a bang and do one more thing to tease the older. For old time's sake.

Jisung raised his hand, and when Minho saw it he immediately ignored him.

"Well it that's all, then-"

"Wait, I have something to say," Jisung interrupted. He could see Felix shake his head in the side of his vision.

"Fine. What is it?"

"Well, I thought I'd say something on behalf of the whole class," Jisung started. He could see the fear building in Minho's eyes. "A lot of us came in with a shitty understanding of calculus, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we're coming out of this class with a stronger understanding of it. I meant it when I said you're a great teacher, Mi- uh, Professor Lee. I really meant it."

A soft smile played at Minho's lips, but there was still a look of unease in his eyes.

"While I'm excited to not have to do math at 9 in the morning anymore, I think we're all going to miss you," Jisung continued.

"That's uh... that's very kind of you. Thank you. Now if that's everything, then-"

"Wait, gimme a second. I promise I'm almost done," Jisung assured him. "You really showed that you cared about us, even if you seem cold at times. You always helped us when we needed it, and to that, I wanted to say thank you. I'd say a formal goodbye, but I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Oh, and I think I left my quiz in your office."

Minho smiled at his words but quickly tried to make a neutral expression. "Thank you, it means a lot. I'll bring your quiz here after class is over."

"I was kinda hoping for some extra help before the final exam. It wouldn't take long, I promise I'll make it worth your time," Jisung teased him. Felix put his face in the palms of his hands.

"Fine. Then I'll see you in my office after class," Minho said to shut him up.

The class was dismissed shortly after and Jisung waited to the side of the podium while Minho individually answered questions that students had about the final exam. Once the lecture hall was empty besides the two of them, Minho grabbed onto Jisung's wrist and guided him in the direction of his office.

"I thought I was pretty subtle this time," Jisung stated.

"You're Han Jisung, the word 'subtle' isn't in your vocabulary," Minho snapped back, tightening his grip on Jisung's wrist as they walked. "You didn't forget your quiz, did you..." he sighed.

"I needed an excuse," Jisung explained.

Minho pushed the door to his office open and they stumbled over to his desk, the door swinging shut behind them. Jisung pushed away the stray papers laying on the desk and sat down. Minho stood between Jisung's legs and cupped the side of his face, staring at him with a mixture of hunger, annoyance, and love in his eyes.

"Promise me you'll still visit my office once the class is done?"

"I promise," Jisung assured him. He had every intention of coming back to the tiny office every day next semester.

"I can't believe we did this..." Minho said with a nervous laugh, shaking his head. "It's really bad, Jisung."

He was right. While it probably wasn't illegal, the circumstances surrounding there relationship were certainly very wrong. Not only did it put Minho's career in danger, but it also put Jisung's status as a student in danger too. But there was something there, a spark between them, that they just couldn't ignore. That kept them coming back every time.

"I guess it was kind of bad to do. But not like, super terribly bad. It was a little bad. Just bad enough."

"You're not making any sense, 'Sungie," Minho chuckled.

"I know, I know. I'd like to think we did a pretty good job at keeping things a secret, though."

"I'd like to think so too," Minho smiled.

Jisung pressed his lips to Minho's, running his hand through his dark locks. He could feel the older's heartbeat in his chest as he ran his hand across his shirt, already beginning to fumble with the buttons.

It was perfect, too perfect. Surely things couldn't be this perfect forever. While nobody from Minho's past had contacted him since he left his old apartment, they knew that chaos could resume at any point. Jisung was also positive that their secret would spill eventually, but he was going to try his best to savour the time they had left.

He loved Minho. And Minho loved Jisung too.

Surely falling in love with your professor is some sort of sin, right?

And what was so bad about an occasional sin?

The End.

Thank you for reading Bad Enough For You (or "Minsung shit university edition" as the file is named on my computer). I hope you enjoyed! <3

I'm working on a new fic but I like to finish writing them before I start posting so it might take a little while. Will there be a sequel to this book? Idk yet lol, we'll see <3

Thank you again to everyone who made it to the end and to those who voted & commented along the way <3 love you all!

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